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8 months ago

Are You Suffering from Negativitis?

We all complain now and then. It’s human nature. But it’s a slippery slope and the more we complain, the worse it gets. When it gets out of control and becomes a habit, we’ve contracted that insidious disease known as negativitis. Inflammation of negative thinking…

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8 months ago

On Assumptions: Things Aren’t Always What They Seem

We don’t think about it much, but we go through our daily lives with a huge range of assumptions about what is going on around us. At least I do. And I expect you do, too. You’re in the supermarket and a mother is yelling at a little boy…

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9 months ago

Dealing with the Small Irritations in Life

I am struggling with an old roll of scotch tape. The end has been lost, so I am trying to dig out the thin membrane of tape to allow me to get it working again. I get a small bit and then, instead of a large useable piece, I find myself with a narrow strip…

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10 months ago

Why People Are Difficult and What to Do About It

Think about the person who frustrates you the most. Perhaps it’s a family member, colleague, neighbor, or friend. Maybe you find yourself thinking, They just don’t seem to get it, or their behavior is completely unacceptable. Wouldn’t it be nice…

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10 months ago

My 5 Easy Steps to Feeling Great Every Day

Have you ever had an initial social interaction with someone and come away feeling like you’ve opened up the gates to the land of despair? A well-intended and friendly “Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon, How are you?” can become quite…

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12 months ago

Have You Tried Youthful Thinking? It Works!

Not long ago, a lovely friend of mine referred to herself as an “old woman.” She had inserted another adjective, but it is irrelevant for this discussion. I did not respond to her self-description, but I thought to myself, “You are a talented, creative woman…

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12 months ago

Do You Dislike You? Follow These 4 Steps to Like Yourself More

There’s a perception that with age comes self-acceptance and confidence. While that can be true, self-esteem is a fickle thing. Even those with strong self-esteem go through low points. For some, aging intensifies feelings of self-doubt and dislike, poisoning all aspects of life. Which begs the question, is it possible to overcome those feelings and […]

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1 year ago

Can You Be Positive if You’re Not Feeling It?

“So much pressure to be positive and I am down!” This is a phrase I hear over and over from my clients. Of course, the reason they are seeing a psychotherapist is because things aren’t going well. Something in their lives needs to change…

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1 year ago

Positive Affirmations… Useful Or Not?

remember standing backstage when I was quite young, waiting to be called onstage for my first performance in a song festival. I may have been 12 or 13 years old. I was about to sing a song I loved from the musical The King and I, titled, “I Whistle a Happy Tune…

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1 year ago

Why Being Negative Is Natural for Us

Human brains are hard-wired in primitive ways and have just one goal – survival. They achieve the goal of keeping us alive in three primary ways: by prompting us to stay safe, seek pleasure, and be efficient. Before humans were established…

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