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In this section, you will find information about Pilates; what it is, why it's beneficial for women over 60, and how it can help us improve our balance, posture, strength and so much more.

4 months ago

Starting Pilates at 60: An Efficient and Safe Way to Exercise

The idea of trying something new can be daunting. For many, hearing the word Pilates may conjure up an image of a flexible, youthful body performing challenging choreography or maybe a large group of people…

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6 months ago

Embracing Pilates: Easing Joint Pain and Embracing Mobility as We Age (Video)

As we journey through life, the passage of time often brings with it unwelcome companions – nagging joint pains and persistent aches. Those twinges in your knees or that discomfort in your back can cast a shadow on your daily activities…

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8 months ago

Pilates: Your Secret Weapon for a Healthier Body over 60

One piece of advice I find myself repeating like a mantra is this: Pilates is an absolute game-changer for women over 60! Allow me to shed some light on this. As a certified Pilates instructor who has dedicated the past decade to working with seniors…

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9 months ago

Mastering Balance: How Pilates Unlocks a Fall-Proof Life After 50 (VIDEO)

It’s a startling revelation: for individuals over the age of 50, an inability to stand on one foot for a mere 10 seconds has been linked to a higher risk of mortality from any cause over the next decade. This alarming discovery…

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10 months ago

What Is Pilates Breathing and Why Is It Important?

What is the best abdominal workout? In my 25 years as a Pilates and fitness instructor, nearly every client I’ve worked with has asked me this question. And here’s what I tell them: breathing. If you are breathing as you should be, with ease and balance…

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10 months ago

Pilates for Back Pain Relief: Pilates Classes for a Stronger Spine

As we gracefully navigate through the golden years of life, one thing becomes increasingly important: maintaining a strong and healthy body. For many of us, back pain can become an unfortunate companion that hinders daily activities and limits…

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11 months ago

Age Is Just a Number: Reaping the Rewards of Pilates in Your Senior Years

If you’ve ever questioned whether Pilates is suitable for you as you embark on your golden years, let me assure you: age is just a number, and Pilates can be the key to unlocking a whole new chapter of vibrant living. But how exactly does Pilates…

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1 year ago

Pilates for Improved Balance: Preventing Falls in Adults over 50

Here’s a scary fact: for people over 50, being unable to stand on one foot for 10 seconds is associated with a higher risk of death from ANY cause within the following decade. That’s according to the findings of a recent study published in the British Journal…

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1 year ago

The Magic of Pilates and How it Helps to Improve your Quality of Life

When I first started doing Pilates seriously, it was after the birth of my two children, and I thought it would be a good way to strengthen my core. Little did I know that the benefits of Pilates would extend far beyond my abs!

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1 year ago

Pilates: Your Pathway to Better Balance

As we age, we start to lose our balance, and this increases our risk of falling. Did you know that our balance starts to decline between 40 and 50? In fact, falls are one of the most common reasons for emergency room visits among seniors…

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