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Part-Time Jobs for Seniors

Part time jobs for seniors are not just a way to make a little extra money. They are also a path to better social relationships and healthy aging. They also help people our age to find a sense of purpose after 60. We'll help you find a job that is perfect for you.

9 years ago

3 Unexpected Benefits of Working in Retirement – It’s Not Just About Money

Why would you even consider working in retirement? After all, most people think about retirement as being a time to take a well-deserved break. After decades of hard work, we look forward to pursuing our passions, spending time with our family and, if we can afford it, traveling. Read More

9 years ago

Working After Retirement – “Great Idea” or “Give Me a Break?”

The concept of “retirement” has become deeply ingrained in many aspects of society. Thanks to decades of marketing from financial services companies, not to mention governments around the world, most of us have come to see retirement as an expectation, if not a right. Read More

10 years ago

5 Secrets to Becoming a Successful Freelance Writer

When you think about being a freelance writer, what images come to mind? Do you imagine yourself, sitting on a beach, the sun setting behind your laptop as you put the final touches on an article for a client 4000 miles away?

In many ways, freelance writing sounds like the ultimate part-time job for people approaching, or already enjoying, retirement. It’s flexible, in demand and easy to get started with. Unfortunately, these very factors also make freelance writing highly competitive. Read More

11 years ago

Flexible Jobs for Women Over 60 (Video)

My guest on this latest episode of the Sixty and Me Show is Nancy Collamer, a blogger for Next Avenue and Forbes and loves helping boomer women to shape profitable and exiting careers in semi-retirement. Read More

11 years ago

How to be a Freelance Writer and Find Online Writing Jobs After 60 (Video)

If anyone knows how to be a freelance writer, it’s professional writer, Ben Gran, my guest on this episode of the Sixty and Me Show. Many women over 60 find themselves without a job, either by choice or as a result of forced retirement or redundancy. Read More

11 years ago

How to Make Money Writing Online as an Older Adult (Video)

In this episode of the Sixty and Me Show, I speak with Ben Gran, a successful freelance writer, about how to start a writing business while still working or considering retirement. Read More

11 years ago

6 Freelance Jobs that are Perfect for Retired Business Professionals

There is a good reason that the “free” is part of the word freelance. Technology and an acceptance of remote working among employers are giving this new style of working a boost. If you are retired, or considering retirement, and have ever dreamt of working from home or independent locations, freelancing may be an attractive option for you. Read More

11 years ago

Jobs After Retirement: Explore These 6 Fascinating Options

Change is the only constant in our lives. Fortunately, in most situations, as one door closes, another one opens. This is also very true of our careers, which change many times throughout our workings lives. By the time we reach our 60s, we have a pretty good grasp of who we are, what’s important to us, and what brings us joy. Read More