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Thinking about the past is fun, but, did you know that nostalgia is also good for your brain? Find out what neuroscientists, have to say about nostalgia. Let's think about the past together!

8 years ago

Are You the Same Person You Were in High School? Yes, it Matters!

Whoever first said that life is like high school all the time sure hit the nail on the head.

An aside – Yes, I know that’s a cliché, but I love it. Because I know exactly how hard it is to hit the nail on the head when I’m trying to drive a nail into something!
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8 years ago

Discipline and Detention: Looking Back at School in the 1950s

My husband and I had an unusual experience this week. We visited his old school, along with about 60 other men in their 60s and above. There were also a few other wives. Let me explain why we were there, and the impact of the visit…

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8 years ago

Can Nostalgia Really Help to Amplify Dementia Treatment?

Dementia could be quite depressing for both the person who suffers from it and those who care for them. Is there a way to bring joy into a life of deteriorating mentality? Our guest today, Lori La Bey, will share with us the importance of nostalgia and happy memories when dealing with dementia. Enjoy the show! Read More

8 years ago

Which 1980s Toys Did Your Kids Love?

Maybe I’m biased, but, it seems like the 1980s was an amazing decade for toys. When my kids were growing up, the electronics revolution was well underway and toys like Teddy Ruxpin, Transformers, Speak and Spell and Micro Machines were flying off the shelves. Read More

8 years ago

What Are Your Best Childhood Memories of Your Mom?

I was only a teenager when I lost my mom to cancer. At the time, the emotions that I felt were sharp and hard, like crystal being thrown against a wall. Read More

8 years ago

What Was Your Favorite 1960s Candy? I Loved Dip Dabs!

It’s amazing to think that, in 1960, you could still buy a premium candy bar for $0.05. Of course, people made less back then too, so, it wasn’t like we were rolling around in candy as kids and teenagers. But, there were still plenty of options! Read More

8 years ago

Following My Mother’s Funeral Hearse Back Through History

My mother’s last journey on earth was in the fall of 2014 as her casket was carried from the Presbyterian Church to the cemetery. As we drove behind the hearse through the village of Wendell, Idaho, I recognized the three-mile trip as a snapshot of her life. Read More

8 years ago

5 Reasons to Play Kick the Can and Other Outdoor Games with Your Grandkids

As a native-born Texan, my Daddy was geographically and culturally predisposed to be a storyteller.

Since everything is supposed to be bigger and better in Texas, it was sometimes hard to separate the fact from the fiction in his tales. Like the beginning of this short story about a popular game of the time he played with his brothers, sisters, and friends. Read More

8 years ago

8 Baby Boomer Websites that Celebrate Our Past and Help Us Prepare for Our Future

Baby boomers are special. Beyond being the largest and most successful generation of all time, we also grew up during a period of unprecedented change. Now, as we reach our 60s and 70s, we are also one of the most sought after demographics for companies selling everything from cruises and retirement homes to makeup and clothing. Read More

8 years ago

How Much Are New Memories of Old Classic Rock Worth?

Unless you’ve been living alone in a desert for the last few months, you’ve probably heard about the impressive Desert Trip concert, scheduled for this fall. It’s a 3-day mega-event in California featuring per­formances by 6 of the greatest artists or groups of the Classic Rock era – The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, The Who, Neil Young, and Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd. Read More