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Thinking about the past is fun, but, did you know that nostalgia is also good for your brain? Find out what neuroscientists, have to say about nostalgia. Let's think about the past together!

3 years ago

A Photo Book Idea to Preserve Your Home Memories

Even before the pandemic kept us stuck at home searching for new hobbies, an entire industry was mushrooming to help people create a modern version of the beloved photo album. From Shutterfly and Mixbook to Walgreen’s…

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3 years ago

Getting It Wrong: A Brush with an Unknown Movie Star

“Everyone makes mistakes – and so do I,” sang the wonderful Big Bird in Sesame Street all those years ago. I still remember the tune of that song. And the message is great. I was brought up to feel I shouldn’t make mistakes, I shouldn’t get things wrong…

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3 years ago

The Joys, Traditions and Melancholy of the Fall

When I moved from Tokyo to New York, I was a young mom with three children under 3 years old. I was too busy settling down in a new home, in a new country, in a new continent to notice much about the weather. I didn’t know then how much it would…

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3 years ago

Where Have the Wheaties Gone?

There are products that have been with us since childhood. You know just where to find them on the shelf, in the grocery store, in the pharmacy or wherever you and your family shop. Or, do you? In grocery shopping over the past months, I would casually…

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3 years ago

5 Ways to Make Your Life Story More Exciting… Including Time Travel in a Hot Tub

We have lived many lifetimes and have so many stories. But sometimes stories elude us. We can’t think of even one. No worries, here are five ways to launch your story. Browse an album of photographs from your past and memories will stream out…

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3 years ago

Were They Really the “Good Old Days”?

My mother never made it to 60, sadly passing away just two weeks after her 59th birthday. At 21, however, I viewed her as an old lady. Jump forward 44 years. As I approach my 65th birthday, times for us seniors have certainly changed…

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3 years ago

7 Ideas for Preserving Your Family History

As women in our 60s, we have much to reflect back upon in our lives, while still most likely enjoying the company of a few elderly relatives. Suddenly, unique to this time in my life, I realized the accessibility and the incredible power of linking the past, the present, and the future…

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3 years ago

Can We Truly Reconnect with Lost Moments from the Past

Lockdown has afforded all of us an opportunity to reflect on who we are, what our priorities are, and what we’d like to change in our lives. I have some good friends here in London, for example, who just got married after being together for 32 years…

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3 years ago

Have You Experienced the Curse of Cursive Handwriting

If you’re of a certain age, perhaps you learned cursive writing, also known as script, a way of writing that’s almost extinct. It’s not being taught in most schools anymore, something I find disappointing. I love my cursive writing because I find it so much faster…

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3 years ago

Memorable Women in My Life: Evita Peron

Whenever I am introduced to someone and they ask me “Where are you from?” and I respond that I was born in Argentina, one of the first things that springs out of their mouths is “Do you dance the tango?” to which I hate to reply, “Well, not really…

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