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Thinking about the past is fun, but, did you know that nostalgia is also good for your brain? Find out what neuroscientists, have to say about nostalgia. Let's think about the past together!

2 years ago

One Woman’s Memoir Writing Journey

In the pandemic, with days on end of isolation and worry, writing was found to be cathartic. Some of you may have used the time wisely and now you are able to look back and see that it was a very constructive time.

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2 years ago

Battling the Cost of Living Over the Years

We are all worrying about prices and the cost of energy, aren’t we? We wonder how we will cope this winter. I feel for young families in 2022. But it has made me think what life was like. I grew up in the 1950s when…

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2 years ago

Saving Family Memories Will Pay Dividends for Generations to Come

I am sure you recall hearing kids groaning ‘oh, not that story again.’ It might have been in a private setting or embarrassingly public, but the sagging shoulders and bored faces are the same. You might even have been one of those…

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2 years ago

The Power of Music to Transport Us Places

It was a damp Seattle evening in May, as I settled into my seat at Benaroya Hall to hear the Seattle Symphony. I was attending an event with a friend, and it was our “pre Mother’s Day treat” to ourselves…

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2 years ago

10 Things from Your Childhood that You Should Start Doing Again in Your 60s

Do you remember playing as a child? Without work or obligations, you were free to wander around, use your imagination and indulge in things just for the sake of doing them. Play was relaxing and fun…

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2 years ago

Have You Experienced the Power of Nostalgic Music? You Should!

All through my life I have listened to the radio and there are some iconic songs that immediately take me back in time. My first memories are of Perry Como singing “Magic Moments”. I must have only been around four or five years old when I first heard it…

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2 years ago

Things My Mother Always Said – That Now I Know Were True

When my mother was the age that I am now, I had five children, ages 11 to 3. I was home schooling all of them, making food from scratch, and living my best earth-mother-type life. And, I had a neuro-muscular disease…

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3 years ago

Finding Cherished Memories Through Nostalgic Music

My mom died when I was 35 years old. She was only 58. She’s been gone a long time now and sadly, memories do have a way of fading. Here’s one memory I do have. And it comes to me whenever I hear a certain song. Let me explain…

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3 years ago

Is It Downsizing or Tossing Out Tender Memories?

I was a clever gatherer of things. Mostly paper. In neat piles. Inside of drawers. Resting innocuously on shelves. Tucked into boxes that lurked in the shadowy recesses of my garage…

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3 years ago

My Thoughts on Career Regret

Three weeks or so ago, I had that old familiar bitter-sweet pang of regret. Not really serious – and it never lasts very long. Nor does it happen often. Perhaps once every six or eight years. It’s not exactly real pain. Just a sense of melancholy. A thought of what…

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