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Medicare is a topic that concerns many of us who live in the United States. Here you will find tips, updates, and more.

3 years ago

Stay Healthy with Regular Medicare Glaucoma Screenings

Glaucoma is a very common eye condition, especially for older adults. When left untreated, glaucoma can do serious damage to your vision, so it’s important to get screened regularly to catch it early. Did you know Medicare offers regular glaucoma screenings?

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3 years ago

Do You Need to Enroll in Medicare If You Have Employer Insurance?

As you near retirement age, you may often wonder how you will pay for your healthcare needs. For most older adults, some form of Medicare is often the most comprehensive and cost-effective solution. However, what about those of us who have an insurance…

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3 years ago

Medicare Covers Cervical and Vaginal Cancer Screenings

Cervical and vaginal cancers are very serious conditions that can be difficult to catch. In order to treat cervical cancers effectively, women should receive regular screenings – when caught early, doctors can treat cervical cancer and dramatically increase…

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4 years ago

Why Is Grief Counseling Important?

After a loss, it’s normal to experience deep and painful feelings of grief. During this challenging Covid-19 pandemic, many individuals can really benefit from grief counseling and other mental health services. Medicare provides coverage for many…

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4 years ago

How to Save on Medicare and Lower Your Healthcare Costs

Medicare may save you thousands of dollars on your medical bills, but nothing in life is free. Between copayments, annual deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses, you’ll still have to pay a lot of money for your healthcare needs with Medicare…

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4 years ago

Ovarian Cancer and Medicare: What You Need to Know

Ovarian cancer is a relatively common form of cancer that disproportionately affects women over the age of 60. Ovarian cancer is much easier to treat when it is caught early, which is why preventative screenings…

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4 years ago

Using Telehealth Services to Receive Care During COVID-19 Safely

Now more than ever, because of the unprecedented public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 disease, the health, safety, and welfare of those of us who have severe chronic medical conditions, like heart, lung, or kidney disease…

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4 years ago

Medicare vs. Medicaid: What Seniors, Loved Ones, and Caregivers Should Know

Although their names sound similar, Medicare and Medicaid are two different types of healthcare programs offered by the United States government. While both cover healthcare costs, the eligibility requirements for each program…

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4 years ago

Does Medicare Cover Hearing Aids?

Many older Americans with moderate to significant hearing loss are interested in this question: Does Medicare cover the cost of hearing aids? The answer to this question is even more important because hearing aids can dramatically improve users’ quality of life. However, we can’t also ignore the fact that hearing aids are expensive. Most models […]

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4 years ago

3 Tips to De-Stress your Journey into the Medicare System

If you’re turning 65 in the next 12 months, I surely don’t have to tell you what your mailbox likely looks like! The mailers and post cards are piled high in some bin to get to later, when you know you have to sit down and think about Medicare…

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