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Medicare is a topic that concerns many of us who live in the United States. Here you will find tips, updates, and more.

3 years ago

It’s “Save Your Vision” Month – Here’s What Eye Care Medicare Covers

March is “Save Your Vision” Month, highlighting the need for eye health and regular vision exams, but access to that care for Medicare beneficiaries isn’t that simple. Although vision care becomes increasingly important…

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3 years ago

Paying for Long-Term Care: Government Programs

In my last Sixty and Me blog, Paying for Long-Term Care: What Are the Options? I noted there are three sources of money to pay for long-term care: Your own money, government sources, and Insurance. This blog will cover more details about using…

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3 years ago

5 Things You’ll Wish You Knew About Medicare at 64

Although Medicare isn’t the most glamorous topic, it’s essential to educate yourself on this federal health care coverage before diving headfirst into enrollment. When turning 65 – and even before – you’ll benefit from gaining maximum…

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3 years ago

American Heart Month: Medicare Coverage for Heart Health

According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Cardiovascular health is a key component to maintaining good overall health, especially as we age…

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3 years ago

Transitioning to the Medicare System – It’s All About Process, Not Product

In the US, we have a system where every person that becomes 65 years old must make some decision related to Medicare, the health insurance system for people over 65. It’s a system where every person has to do something or NOT do something…

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3 years ago

How Medicare Benefits Are Changing in 2022

Each year, Medicare benefits, i.e., terms of coverage, change, and for the most part, the costs increase. But Medicare isn’t the only option that sees changes. Medicare Advantage plans and Part D drug plans have coverage changes too…

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3 years ago

Home Doctor Visits: What Does Medicare Cover?

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, patients have been hesitant to schedule in-person doctor visits ­– hence the increase in telehealth and telemedicine services. Yet, there are many conditions, services, and treatments for which virtual…

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3 years ago

How to Effectively Shop for Medicare

Many of us don’t realize how many options we have when it comes to healthcare. As you near retirement, you probably assume that you’ll get Original Medicare and nothing else. While you can do this, there are many other options out there…

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3 years ago

What You Need to Know About Kidney Disease, Dialysis, and Medicare Coverage

Kidney disease is a serious condition that worsens over time and can lead to death, without proper treatment. The kidneys filter waste out of the body, but when they start to lose function, this can lead to a host of serious symptoms that interfere with everyday life…

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3 years ago

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Medicare

Medicare can be a bit complicated. There are several different Medicare coverage options, each of which comes with its own pros and cons. Once you do pick your plan, it can be a challenge to fully understand what’s covered by it and what’s not…

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