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Medical Conditions

Nothing makes life after 60 harder than medical conditions. From post menopause symptoms and Alzheimer’s to hearing loss and mobility issues, we have answers to your questions.

4 years ago

Hold the Coffee and Red Wine! Diet Tips for a Happy Bladder (and Fewer Leaks!)

Yes, I said “hold the coffee and red wine.” Yes, I said it during a pandemic, while we’re all grasping for normalcy and savoring moments of indulgence to stay sane and calm…

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4 years ago

In the Clutches of the Hot Flushes – What Are They and What Can You Do About Them?

Are you experiencing hot flushes? Have you been through menopause, but still have the same symptoms? This is a very common occurrence. 75% of women report experiencing hot flushes from approximately age of 40 through to 80…

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4 years ago

The Connection Between Chronic Diseases and the Coronavirus Epidemic

By now we know that chronic diseases make the COVID-19 infection (caused by the Coronavirus) worse. It is obvious why something like asthma could complicate COVID-19…

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4 years ago

4 Rules for Safe Exercising with Osteoporosis

On the list of “fun things to do,” medical tests of any kind don’t usually make the top 10. Some, however, are notoriously worse than others. For example, I’d rather have my body cryogenically frozen…

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5 years ago

6 Natural Flu and Cold Remedies, Just in Time for Winter!

‘Tis the season for get-togethers, gift exchanges and goodwill.

But it’s also the season for colds and flus.

The best defense is offense. Wash your hands for 20 seconds when touching or near contagious people or shared items. Use the hand wipes provided in grocery stores to wipe the handles of shopping carts. Read More

5 years ago

How “Prehab” Can Help to Shorten Surgery Recovery Time

Are you facing surgery and wondering how long you’ll be laid up doing rehab? If so, now is a great time to get started on a ”prehab” program instead! Ask any athlete about the importance following a training program before every competition…

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5 years ago

Health Insurance Riddle: When is an Emergency Not an Emergency? The Answer Could Cost You $1000s!

Imagine the following scenario. You’ve just finished dinner and now you are playing on the floor with your two grandkids. As you play, you start a feel a pain in your chest. Read More

5 years ago

Attention Women Over 60! Don’t Ignore These 5 Silent Signs of a Heart Attack

On a beautiful fall morning in late October 2002, I was planting Iris bulbs along the waterfront of our home in the Northern Neck of VA. I felt a bit more tired than I thought was reasonable and noted that I was sweating more than normal, so I sat down and lit up a cigarette. Read More

5 years ago

Older Adults and Hospital Stays: What We Need to Do for a Better Recovery

One of the most challenging issues we face as we age is recovering from various illnesses and surgeries. It seems that we tend to ignore the reality of the amount of time it may take us to fully (or mostly) recover from a medical episode…

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5 years ago

Does Sleep Apnea Trouble You in Your 60s? Self-Talk Can Give You the Empowerment You Seek

I was recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. The sleep study test found I had lapses of breathing for at least 10 seconds about 35 times an hour. Shocking! Some of you probably have it too…

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