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Medical Conditions

Nothing makes life after 60 harder than medical conditions. From post menopause symptoms and Alzheimer’s to hearing loss and mobility issues, we have answers to your questions.

4 years ago

Here’s Why Most Doctors Don’t Know About the Best Treatment for Incontinence

If you have tried to discuss any form of incontinence with your doctors and received mostly blank stares in return, you are not alone. Over the past 20 years, I have come to realize that the treatment of bowel and bladder control problems…

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4 years ago

Recalling My Experience During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer is like staring down a huge, dark hole that you must jump into. You don’t know how far down you’ll drop or what awaits you when you get there. All you know is that it’s dark and, possibly, bottomless…

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4 years ago

Understanding and Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that destroys a person’s intellectual and cognitive abilities and robs them of their memories.  As this disease progresses nerve cells in the brain (neurons) stop working, slowly lose connections to one another and eventually die. This causes memory failure, personality changes and an inability to carry out […]

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4 years ago

Common Hearing Issues Among Older Adults

Many older adults experience some degree of hearing loss, and this hearing loss can dramatically impact their quality of life. Some hearing issues are simply genetic, whereas traumatic injuries or illnesses may cause others…

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4 years ago

Great Glute Exercises to Get You in Shape After Hip Replacement Surgery

My stomach hit rock bottom as the medical professional spoke with me after my total hip replacement.

He said, “When you received total hip replacement surgery, they took 40 percent of that muscle. The result is that your left buttock will not ever be as strong as it was, nor as firm as your right cheek.” Read More

4 years ago

Confessions of a Woman Who Secretly Wears Hearing Aids

Not many people know it (and now everyone will), but I occasionally wear hearing aids. Not for everyday use, but for when I am in a crowded situation where people have to talk and listen to each other. Read More

4 years ago

5 Common Questions That a Geriatrician Is Asked About Dementia

Dementia is one of the most feared diseases in the world. It is now incredibly rare to find someone whose life has not been touched by this disease, whether it is a parent, friend, sibling, or spouse. Read More

4 years ago

5 Surprising Ways to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor, Especially After 50

I loved my biology classes in middle and high school. And, while I devoured lectures on the heart, lungs, and intestines, we must have skipped the pelvic floor chapter. Did you, too? Turns out, it’s pretty essential, especially to make sure you pee…

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4 years ago

Osteoporosis and Bone Density – What You Need to Know and How to Exercise

There is a ton of information out there concerning osteoporosis and bone density, but many of us aren’t exactly familiar with these terms. So, let’s start with some basic definitions…

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4 years ago

I’ve Kept My Hair Loss a Secret for Too Long… Why I’m Ready to Talk About it Now

I’ve thought long and hard about writing this post. I figure some things are best kept private – in an era where it is the norm to over-share personal information, I have always believed that you have the right to maintain some privacy. Read More