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Medical Conditions

Nothing makes life after 60 harder than medical conditions. From post menopause symptoms and Alzheimer’s to hearing loss and mobility issues, we have answers to your questions.

3 years ago

Are You Waiting for That Metaphorical Block of Concrete in the Sky?

By the time you are in your mid-70s and there has been no major health crisis, you know you have been lucky. If you have a spouse (or partner) and ‘you’ means both of you, you know you have been doubly lucky. Now aged 79 and my husband aged 80…

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3 years ago

Celebrating Menopause and the Transition to New Life

For many Western women, the mention of the word menopause is associated with dread and fear – in a culture that relishes youth, it has come to be considered as part of the ageing process. Menopausal women have often been labelled “grumpy”…

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3 years ago

Stay Healthy with Regular Medicare Glaucoma Screenings

Glaucoma is a very common eye condition, especially for older adults. When left untreated, glaucoma can do serious damage to your vision, so it’s important to get screened regularly to catch it early. Did you know Medicare offers regular glaucoma screenings?

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3 years ago

Is It Possible to Treat Type 2 Diabetes with Long-Term Effects?

As the type 2 diabetes epidemic continues to grow, the most emphasized treatment may surprise you. In the latest update to the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, the guidelines put forward by the American Diabetes Association…

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3 years ago

Choosing the Right Questions to Ask Your Doctor When Facing a Serious Diagnosis

Shortly after my then-85-year-old mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, my brother and I accompanied her to meetings with several specialists. We were trying to determine what, if any, treatment would make the most sense for her…

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3 years ago

Senior with a Sex Addiction? What You Should Know

It’s not so shocking to realize that there are women approaching or in their senior years who struggle with sex addiction. Take the true-life drama of former Real Housewives of New Jersey reality TV star, Danielle Staub, as just one well known example…

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3 years ago

Medicare Covers Cervical and Vaginal Cancer Screenings

Cervical and vaginal cancers are very serious conditions that can be difficult to catch. In order to treat cervical cancers effectively, women should receive regular screenings – when caught early, doctors can treat cervical cancer and dramatically increase…

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4 years ago

EchoS: The No-Radiation Method to Determine Bone Density and Quality

How many times have you gone to get your bone density tested? If you have done it even once, you know that the procedure involves radiation. Although many clinicians remind us that the radiation levels for many tests are low, I do know that women across…

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4 years ago

Can You Still Enjoy or Play Music If You Suffer Hearing Loss?

Does a loss of hearing prevent you from listening to or playing a musical instrument? It’s a question I hear all the time. The answers can be quite surprising, but before we jump in too far, let’s examine the phenomenon of hearing loss…

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4 years ago

Endometrial Cancer: A Farewell Ceremony for My Uterus and Her Friends

On the fifth long day after my biopsy, my gynecologist finally phoned. “Barbara,” Dr. Freid said, “the pathology report indicates early endometrial cancer.” A blob of blood had shocked me one Saturday morning…

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