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Medical Conditions

Nothing makes life after 60 harder than medical conditions. From post menopause symptoms and Alzheimer’s to hearing loss and mobility issues, we have answers to your questions.

3 years ago

Exploring the Powerful Benefits of Acupuncture for Seniors

If my wife had never scolded me on that Sunday, I probably never would have gone to my first acupuncture session. And if it weren’t for acupuncture, I’m certain I wouldn’t feel as good as I do today…

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3 years ago

When Injury Strikes After 60, Will You Give Up or Get Going?

My knee hurts. I don’t know what awkward dance move I made to stress the darn thing, but the bottom line is – it hurts. As I tape it up before going to sleep, I grumble about it, which, of course, does no good whatsoever…

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3 years ago

It’s Time to Normalize Menopause in Society

Did you know that 73% of women who experience menopause in the United States do not treat their symptoms? While over in the United Kingdom, surveys show that 1 in 4 women actually consider resigning during menopause…

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3 years ago

5 Actions to Improve Your Heart Health – It’s a Matter of Life or Death

Almost a million Americans – 920,000 to be exact – will have a heart attack in the next year. Worse, not all of them will have had any warning signs. Obviously, everyone’s health situation is different but I hope that the following…

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3 years ago

Urinary Incontinence: Factors Predicting Successful Treatment

Incontinence, when there is loss of bladder or bowel control, severely diminishes a person’s quality of life. What’s more, the complexity of many different sub types of bladder and bowel dysfunction including urge incontinence, stress incontinence…

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3 years ago

Menopausal Issues Past 60? This Is Actually Normal

Let me start by saying sweats, flushes, flashes, whatever you want to call these side-effects of menopause, can last through to your 80s. You didn’t want to hear that, but it’s true. At 73 I still have hot flushes and they’re as bad now as back in my 50s. Why? The menopause just doesn’t know […]

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3 years ago

What to Know About Adult Incontinence

Incontinence is more common in adults than many may think. In fact, about half of women (especially women over 50) and one-in-four men experience incontinence symptoms. Despite the prevalence of incontinence as we age, it is not something…

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3 years ago

Four Tips for Healing Based on the SEL Movement

Healing can happen whether or not we have an incurable disease. Curing a condition occurs physically, but healing can take place on an emotional and spiritual level. Once you have a cancer diagnosis, your life is forever changed. At least, that is what…

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3 years ago

It’s Ridiculous to Be This Tired After 60!

I bet you’ve heard this: “You’re tired? You’re just getting old. That’s normal as we age. Fortunately, you’re retired so you can rest as much as you want.” Hey! I didn’t spend my life working so that I could retire to rest! My retirement is my fun time! No fair!

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3 years ago

It’s Not Dementia! 5 Factors That Contribute to Forgetfulness

You have misplaced your car keys. It is the third time this week. Is this the beginning of dementia? Maybe. Maybe not. Many things in our lives run to the extreme. On the one extreme, memory loss and confusion were once considered a normal part of aging…

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