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Medical Conditions

Nothing makes life after 60 harder than medical conditions. From post menopause symptoms and Alzheimer’s to hearing loss and mobility issues, we have answers to your questions.

3 years ago

Is It Possible for Women Over 50 to Limit the Decline?

The 50s is the decade when most women will be entering the menopause. Not only can the hot flushes and night sweats kick in but this is also the time for the ‘hidden’ bone loss complications. Bowel cancer risk increases as well as type 2 diabetes…

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3 years ago

How Knowing Your Insulin Levels Can Help You Prevent More than Diabetes After 60

As boomers, we’re used to having our blood glucose levels measured during our annual physicals. After all, our risk for developing diabetes increases with age. Many of us now know our A1C levels as well as our cholesterol, iron and…

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3 years ago

My Bladder Sling Failed – Now What?

Bladder leakage must rank as one of the most frustrating of problems. The gradual worsening and escalation from panty liners to pads to diapers feels like a most unwelcome sign of the body breaking down…

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3 years ago

5 Foods That Naturally Lower Cholesterol for Women Over 60

For millions of Americans, taking statins – medications like Lipitor and Crestor – to lower cholesterol has become the norm. However, these drugs, while they work, can come with significant side effects. Although most people tolerate…

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3 years ago

Lichen Sclerosus: Symptoms and Treatment

Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder and autoimmune disease which causes thin white patches to develop on the skin. While rare, post-menopausal women are at the highest risk, and the condition typically presents…

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3 years ago

When Should You See Your Doctor for Memory Loss?

My husband has memory loss. It is more advanced lately, so we finally went to see a neurologist. It started out with memory lapses. Sometimes, Chuck asked the same question like “Where is the rake?” It would be where it always was, but I would tell him anyway…

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3 years ago

6 Tips for Preventing Arthritis Pain in Cold Weather

While a cool brisk morning might signal an exciting change in seasons, for older adults who suffer from arthritis it can also lead to painful joint stiffness and inflammation. Why does colder weather seem to amplify aches and pains? Research suggests it’s…

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3 years ago

The 5 Top Medical Conditions Related to Older Age

Aging. It happens to us all, if we are lucky enough I suppose. The effects of aging are unavoidable. So, it is in our best interest to confront our aging bodies and educate ourselves about the changes that occur. While there is nothing we can do…

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3 years ago

How to Regain Mental Health After a Serious Illness

You’ve just been put through the ringer. You’ve had a heart attack or finished a round of chemotherapy or had an aortic aneurysm repair or any other such serious health condition. For many, this kind of physical trauma can take a serious toll on…

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3 years ago

What Women Should Know When Considering Hormone Replacement Therapy

Whether it’s for menopausal symptoms or decreasing the risk of UTIs and incontinence, hormone replacement therapy can be a solution for many issues women experience throughout their life. With that said, women interested…

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