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Medical Conditions

Nothing makes life after 60 harder than medical conditions. From post menopause symptoms and Alzheimer’s to hearing loss and mobility issues, we have answers to your questions.

2 years ago

Bent Not Broken – How I Cope with Scoliosis

I was 14 when my parents and I sat in my pediatrician’s office and heard the news: I had scoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the spine, most often diagnosed in teenaged girls. Called idiopathic, this type of scoliosis has unknown origins…

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2 years ago

Can Tinnitus Be Cured?

As someone who has studied the brain for over 20 years, I’m happy to give you the most straightforward answer I can to the question, “Can tinnitus be cured?” The answer is a resounding… MAYBE! I know you want to hear me say yes! But what if I told you…

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2 years ago

Eight Months in My Cancer Journey

Cancer. Not a diagnosis anyone wants to hear. But many of us will hear it, if we live long enough. One source tells me that 25% of us will have cancer at some point in our lives. I was a month out from having a hip replaced when I was admitted to the hospital…

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2 years ago

10 Tips for Living with Fibromyalgia or Another Life-Changing Illness

Several years ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a chronic condition that affects millions of people around the globe. Most of them are women. So far, there is no cure. My illness taught me so much, and I want to share…

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2 years ago

Love at First Touch – Massaging Pain Away with the Hendrickson Method

I never expected a simple trip to buy vegetables to change my life, but it did. I met Maria at the Santa Cruz Farmer’s Market where she was offering five-minute massages. My body hurt that day, as it always did. Figuring I had nothing to lose…

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2 years ago

9 Foods that Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects millions of Americans. It is the most common preventable risk factor for heart disease. High blood pressure is defined as the systolic blood pressure (the top number) of 130 mm Hg…

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2 years ago

Take Good Care of Your Gums in Your 60s and They’ll Take Care of You Forever

I grew up seeing some of my older relatives remove their ‘teeth’ before going to bed. Sometimes, they expressed discomfort with chewing or dentures that were either too tight or too loose. I decided early on in my life that I was not going to go down…

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2 years ago

5 Myths People Believe About Heart Attack and Sudden Cardiac Arrest That Could Cost Them Their Life

When it comes to heart health, we often think that we know the basics. But here are 5 myths that will prove this wrong. You might be surprised to find that most people don’t know they are having a heart attack at the time. We all know the Hollywood…

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2 years ago

The Definitive Answer to Your Dizziness Questions

Dizziness is a common problem for the Boomer generation, but many are afraid to ask questions about it. They may not know what is causing their dizziness, or they may be worried that it is a sign of something more serious. In this article, I will answer…

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2 years ago

How to Maintain an Active Lifestyle if You Have Knee Arthritis?

The use of medications in the treatment of arthritis has been the treatment recommendation along with recommendation for increasing or maintaining activity. Unfortunately, many remain under the belief that exercise therapy…

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