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Mature Skin Care

We all know that taking care of our aging skin is important. But, finding mature skin care products that works is frustrating. Let's work together to find the best moisturizers, face creams and natural skin care solutions.

3 years ago

Love the Sun, Hate the Skin Damage? How to Look Sun Kissed Without the Sun

I’m so excited. It’s spring! If you’re like me, getting outside and enjoying nature, sunshine, warmth, and family are top of my list. With that though often come sunburn, skin damage, and potential dehydration we all want to avoid…

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3 years ago

My Very-Much-Needed, Post-Vaccination Makeover

Like most of us, I spent a year isolated indoors. At high risk for the coronavirus, I took every precaution, determined to stay alive and enjoy more good years. Over time, I learned to rely on all forms of screens – TV, social media, binging on Netflix, facetiming children…

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4 years ago

A 60-Plus-Year-Old Pro Makeup Artist Shares Her A.M. and P.M. Skin Care Routines

Since no one among us escapes the aging process, we certainly see a few changes in our skin as we reach our fifth decade. But we are fortunate that there are some great skin care products out there that can help. And finding a good skin care…

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4 years ago

Want to Look as Vibrant as You Feel? It’s Easy as One, Two, Three, Four, Five

When you feel your best, it’s only natural to want to look just as good. And you can! Everyday healthy habits have a stunningly positive impact on your skin. Yes, sunscreen helps reduce your risk of developing skin cancer, but it also…

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4 years ago

3 Tips for Taking Care of Your Dry Hands and Cuticles After 60

One common problem every woman battles as they age are dry hands and cuticles. We’ve used our hands in a variety of ways for decades and regardless of how carefully we might have taken care of them, age causes our skin to change. Read More

5 years ago

Beauty Concerns for Women of Any Age and 4 Allergens to Avoid in Cosmetics and Skin Care Products

Most of us need various aids to help us feel good. From moisturisers and serums for our dry skin to hair dye to enhance our hair. We often only consider whether or not the products work…

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5 years ago

Get Rid of Your Chapped Lips and Give Your Aging Skin the Love it Deserves

For most of us, dryer, thinner lips are an unavoidable part of the aging process – not to mention a telltale sign of our advancing years! In spite of this, they’re also often the most neglected part of even the strictest beauty regimes. The good news is that…

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5 years ago

How to Deal with Facial Hair After 60 Laser, Shave or Leave it Alone

One of the things aging and the hormonal changes that come with it can bring is more facial hair than many of us would like. Suddenly, we notice hairs on our chin and above our lip. It’s not a topic that’s commonly discussed, but it affects so many of us…

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6 years ago

Face It! What You Put on Your Face Matters, Especially After 55

Hyaluronic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Retinols, Biotin, Ceramides, CoQ10, Jojoba Oil, Resveratrol… How is an aging woman to choose the best and safest lotions and potions to apply for a youthful appearance? Here are some dos and don’ts when it comes to retaining glowing, smooth skin as you age.

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6 years ago

Dry, Aging Skin? Make it Glow Again!

Think you just have to live with dry, aging skin? Think again! There are so many things you can do to make your skin look and feel great, no matter your age. Dr. Sarah Brewer recently spoke with Margaret Manning about the best ways to care for your mature skin, and her advice will make you think of skin care in a whole new way. Read More