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Marriage After 60

Like most worthwhile things in life, having a happy marriage after 60 requires work. You need to adjust to your partner's changing needs, while finding ways to grow together. Find out what the other women in our community have to say about maintaining a healthy relationship at our age.

7 years ago

Is a Platonic Relationship After 60 Really So Bad? Maybe Not

Do you know an older couple whose relationship still has the romantic spark it did when they were younger? They hold hands, cuddle and coo and even kiss each other passionately in public.

Then there are those over the age of 60 whose coupling has evolved into a more platonic relationship. They still like each other, but may sleep in separate bedrooms or even live apart. Read More

8 years ago

What it’s Really Like to Live with a Writer

As most of you know, along with my many, many talents for losing my phone, tripping over imaginary steps and forgetting… umm… whatever it was I have just forgotten, I also write Victorian crime fiction books for a living. Read More

8 years ago

30th Anniversary Couples Give Surprising Marriage Advice for Newlyweds

Have you ever noticed that everyone seems to have marriage advice for newlyweds, even if they haven’t had a successful marriage themselves? Read More

9 years ago

60 Secrets to a Happy Marriage After 60 from your Sisters at Sixty and Me

“Love and marriage, love and marriage go together…” Well, you know the rest of the song. If only it was that easy! In many ways, falling in love is simple. Turning our passion into a lasting marriage is something else entirely. Fortunately, we have our sisters in the Sixty and Me community to turn to for advice. Many people in our community have been happily married for 4 decades of more and they want to share their secrets with you. Read More

9 years ago

Do Different Tastes Make for a Happy Boomer Couple?

The other day, I heard a comedienne tell a story about an experience that she had flying Delta, in coach. She said that the flight attendant walked through the aisle and asked if anyone wanted to read The Wall Street Journal. She remarked: “If I was the kind of person who read that paper, I’d be up front instead of back here!” Read More

9 years ago

A Boomer’s Second Chance at Love

Billy Joel sang: “Don’t go changing… I love you just the way you are.” Who are we kidding? We chose our partners in business and life because we DO want to change them and we really don’t love them just the way they are. Read More

11 years ago

What is the Recipe for a Happy Marriage After 60? Mix these 4 Ingredients

We all know what romance is – or do we? It is that mysterious attraction, fascination and enthusiasm for another person. Sometimes we call it love, but romance is more nuanced, more of a foundation on which everything is built. Read More