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Managing Money in Retirement

No matter how much you have saved, managing money in retirement is critically important. Let's talk about how to make your Social Security and pension money last longer.

10 years ago

Advice for Living on a Pension from the Sixty and Me Community

People reaching retirement age today are under huge financial pressure. Since, on average, we will live longer than any previous generation, our savings will need to last decades. In addition, many of us find ourselves in the position of looking after our aging parents, while living on a pension. Read More

11 years ago

Managing Your Money in Retirement Takes Creativity and Courage

Many women reaching their 60s today are not prepared financially for retirement. After years of hard work, building our careers and supporting our families, the idea of “retirement” seems a distant dream. Read More

11 years ago

I Love Free Stuff! 8 Things You Are Paying For that Should Be Free

One of the best ways to make your retirement savings last longer is to save money on everyday expenses. But what if you could save even more money… by getting things for free? Whether you’re a hardcore coupon collector, a natural bargain hunter, or just looking to save some extra money, here are a few ideas for things you can get for free: Read More

11 years ago

10 Powerful Ways to Spend Less and Do More After Retirement

As many people have found out the hard way, life after retirement is tough. For starters, most of us haven’t saved as much as we once hoped that we would.

In addition, many of us are struggling to find meaning with our family circumstances changing. Fortunately, there are several simple steps that you can take to spend less, while doing more, after retirement. Read More

11 years ago

4 Destructive Loans to Avoid in Retirement

Women over 60 are often trying to take care of so many people in our lives – we give of ourselves, our time, our talents, and our money. Whether that means buying gifts for grandchildren, supporting a spouse who might have lost a job, or even supporting grown children who have trouble finding a job or affording a house, many women over 60 are generous to the point that we forget to look out for ourselves first. Read More

11 years ago

Financial Independence After 60: Make a Budget and Earn More Money (Video)

In this episode of the Sixty and Me Show, I spoke with the dynamic Chellie Campbell, on a topic that weaves its way into our lives every day and elicits every emotion from fear to elation – money! Read More