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Managing Money in Retirement

No matter how much you have saved, managing money in retirement is critically important. Let's talk about how to make your Social Security and pension money last longer.

6 years ago

How to Negotiate with Your Creditors in the Years Before Retirement: 8 Steps to Freedom

My trembling left hand held a cup of green tea as my right dipped into a box of Kleenex. I had long ago stopped wearing eye makeup (too expensive!) but if I had been wearing mascara, it would have been all over my cheeks by now. Read More

6 years ago

Investing in Retirement in a Socially Responsible Way: Do Well While Doing Good

Many people have a specific cause that pulls the strings of their heart. But can you make money while investing in such a cause? Join us in conversation with financial expert Pam Krueger who has the answers those questions. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Reverse Mortgages for Seniors: Legal Robbery or Legitimate Option?

It’s not difficult to see why reverse mortgages for seniors have become so popular of late.

For starters, most of us are approaching retirement with less money in the bank than we hoped for. This is partially due to the Great Recession eating into our savings, although, if we are honest with ourselves, we probably share part of the blame for not putting more away when we could. Read More

6 years ago

Recently Retired? What Advice Would You Offer Your Younger Sisters on Saving for Retirement?

More than almost any other phase in our lives, our 60s are a time of transitions. At Sixty and Me, we like to focus on the emotional aspects of life after 60 – reinvention, making friends as an adult and overcoming your fears. Read More

6 years ago

What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self About Saving for Retirement?

I’ve been thinking about retirement a lot lately. Like many women in our community, I don’t see myself slowing down any time soon. This year, I turn 70, so, I reached retirement age quite a while ago. But, as a freelance consultant and the founder of Sixty and Me, it feels like I am working harder than ever. Read More

7 years ago

3 Ways Playing the Lottery Kills Your Future – We’re Old Enough to Know Better!

What’s the point of writing an article about the evils of playing the lotter for older adults? Surely, by the time we reach our 50s and 60s, we have learned that gambling is the absolute worst way to get rich. Read More

7 years ago

Are Your Bad Money Habits Holding You Back After 60? This Expert Can Help!

Money, in our world, is a very important asset. Could money be defined as something other than paper bills and coins? Join us in discussion with financial advisor Allan Roth, who shares great insight on managing our money past the age of 60. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

Approaching Retirement? Get More from Your Savings With These 4 Tips

The years before retirement are especially important for making decisions about our spending habits, investments, and other financial issues. Where do we begin? In this video, founder of Wealth Logic and financial advisor Allan Roth, gives us some pointers on being wise when creating our retirement plan. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

Transitioning Into Retirement? Here Are 5 Tips for Managing Your Money

After years of working both in the home and in the workforce, many women over the age of 60 find themselves eager for retirement. But when is the right time to retire and how do you know if you can truly afford the life you have been looking forward to? Read More

7 years ago

I’m Angry About Ageism! Let’s Work Together to Fix it!

Since starting Sixty and Me, I have always tried to be as neutral as possible when it comes to political, social and cultural issues. But, today, I have something that I just need to get off my chest… I am so mad about ageism. In my opinion, this is an issue that we can all come together to solve and I would like brainstorm with you about how exactly to do this. Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More