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Managing Money in Retirement

No matter how much you have saved, managing money in retirement is critically important. Let's talk about how to make your Social Security and pension money last longer.

5 years ago

4 Ways to Get Naked with Your Money – Wrinkles, Bulges, and All!

Financial intimacy changes as we age, and I want to do it with dignity and grace! In our early years, Mark and I became financially intimate through sharing our financial history. We combined (over time) some of our financial accounts…

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5 years ago

9 Rights You Have When Seeking Financial Advice in Retirement

The need for financial literacy does not end when you cross over the “retirement” line. In fact, it becomes imperative that you look at income planning as the foundation of building the life you want past that point. Read More

5 years ago

Retirement Savings Looking a Little Light? Here’s How to Have the Last Laugh

Realizing that you haven’t saved enough for retirement is one of the worst experiences in the world. You worry about how you will support yourself in retirement. You start to fear getting sick in your old age. You may even start to suffer from feelings of guilt or regret as you look back at all of the bad financial decisions that you made in your life. Read More

5 years ago

Keeping Money Secrets from Your Man – Good Idea or Good Grief!

When I asked the women in our community to share their advice for younger women, a surprising number recommended that their younger sisters keep a separate bank account from their husbands. Read More

5 years ago

5 Secrets to Feeling Safe Financially After Retirement

When retirement is already a fact, it is too late to talk about saving money. What do you do then? In today’s video, Wealth Logic founder and financial expert Allan Roth shares some practical strategies for achieving financial security in retirement. Enjoy the show! Read More

5 years ago

Mobilize Your Money: Manage Your Post Retirement Funds Wherever You Go

Online and mobile banking allows us to manage our money without having to step foot in a bank. The banking industry has evolved significantly over the past decade. With the prevalence of smartphones, online banking is becoming the primary way people are managing their finances. Read More

5 years ago

Retirement Fastlane? 2 Reasons to Rent Your Car for Money (and 2 Reasons to Slam on the Brakes!)

If you are approaching retirement, chances are you’re concerned about whether you have enough money stashed away to weather the years ahead. You may have even started to think about creative ways to make a little extra money in retirement…

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5 years ago

How Do You Spend Your Time and Money in Retirement?

Whether you’re retired or have chosen to work well after 60, there is plenty you can do with your free time and extra buck. Read More

6 years ago

Travel After 60: Cancelling Our Trip Felt Good – Can You Believe It?

This past summer, my husband and I kept running into people who had been to Europe on bike trips. Every conversation fed our intrigue and we started looking into a self-guided bike trip through Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. Read More

6 years ago

When it Comes to Making Money in Retirement, is $500 Better than $100,000?

Do you know what older adults fear most? Is it death? Nope. Getting a serious illness? Not even close. According to a survey by the financial company Allianz, baby boomers fear running out of money in retirement more than anything else.

Specifically, they found that 43% of boomers feared outliving their savings. That’s more than the percentage of people who feared cognitive decline and loneliness combined! Read More