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Managing Money in Retirement

No matter how much you have saved, managing money in retirement is critically important. Let's talk about how to make your Social Security and pension money last longer.

5 years ago

Let Your Gut be Your Guide when Trusting a Financial Advisor to Care for Sudden Money

My friend Mary’s husband died unexpectedly, leaving her to raise their five-year-old son and tend to a generous life insurance settlement, while learning to navigate life without her mate…

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5 years ago

How You Can Take Advantage of Market Volatility in Times of Crisis

You’ve no doubt heard about the recent market volatility related to Coronavirus and the reaction to this unexpected pandemic. Nobody likes sitting on their hands when it feels like they should be doing something…

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5 years ago

Social Security is a Dead Man Walking: You Need a Plan B!

Social Security is dead. It just hasn’t stopped twitching. This is the only conclusion that I can come to after reviewing all of the available data and considering the political and social environment that we are likely to face over the next 20-30 years.

In fact, the more I think about Social Security, the more I believe that everyone, from recent retirees to Millennials need to assume that this safety net will disappear, in whole, or in part, within the next few decades. Read More

5 years ago

2 Unexpected Risks of Reverse Mortgages (And How to Avoid Them!)

A reverse mortgage can prove to be tricky if we do not have a good grasp of what it is and how it works. It has been touted in advertisements…

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5 years ago

4 Money Mistakes Most People Make in the Year Before Retirement and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to our finances, most people don’t want to face the facts and they avoid talking about money and what to do with it, but when it comes to retirement, not only do many people avoid talking about it…

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5 years ago

3 Mistakes that Can Impact Your Social Security Benefits (#2 is Really Painful!)

Do you feel as if Social Security is one of the last things you need to think about? Are you nearing retirement and you’re wondering just when you should apply for those benefits? The majority of Social Security strategy is all about timing. This is especially true for divorcees…

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5 years ago

3 Things Most Couples Don’t Know About Social Security Spousal Benefits (But Should!)

Social security is among the issues many people become interested in as they push retirement. This is because it is critical to the financial security of retirees…

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5 years ago

What is the Real Difference Between Fiduciary Advisors and Other Financial Advisors?

Have you ever wanted to contact an investment or financial advisor but didn’t know where to start? What is the difference between a fiduciary advisor and an investment advisor?

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5 years ago

Your 3 Top Reverse Mortgage Questions Answered

Financial independence is among the main concerns of retirees. Many of us worry about outliving our savings and seek options to maintain a steady income stream…

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5 years ago

Using Credit in Retirement… the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

In retirement, you’re likely to miss certain aspects of your working life that you’re no longer able to do as much. One of them is using credit. You might be wondering…

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