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Makeup for Older Women

Don't listen to the anti-aging hype. Makeup for women over 60 isn't for looking younger. It's about looking and feeling your best. Find the best makeup for mature skin. Get makeup tips for older women from a professional makeup artist. If you have a makeup question, we have the answer!

2 years ago

Two Fall 2022 Beauty Trends for Mature Skin

Fall beauty trends, or any trend for that matter, are usually so kooky they are only wearable for 12-year-olds. OK, I’m being facetious. However, now that I’ve made that sarcastic observation, there are some trends this fall that are completely applicable…

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2 years ago

My Own 8-Minute Makeup Routine (VIDEO)

I’ll never forget the day that I had to make a major presentation to the Board of Directors of the non-profit organization where I worked. I was so anxious about it that I – not surprisingly – had difficulty falling asleep the night before…

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2 years ago

The Top 7 Makeup Techniques, Products and Tools That Make the Biggest Difference

As a makeup artist who specializes in working with those of us over 50 – and who is well over 50 myself – I know first-hand the changes that take place in our facial structure and skin as the decades roll by…

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2 years ago

Choosing the Right Lipstick for Older Women (Video)

In this makeup tips for older women article and video, we discuss simple makeup tips with a special focus on choosing the right lipstick color. In the course of filming our makeup tutorial video series with Ariane Poole, we saw time and time again…

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2 years ago

Facial Hair Removal for Women Over 60 – Advice from a Celebrity Makeup Artist (Video)

When I asked the women in our community to share their questions about makeup for women over 60, there was one from Carol, who asked about facial hair removal. So, to help investigate this issue, I turned to my good friend, Ariane Poole…

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2 years ago

Pro Makeup Artist Recommendations: 10 Great Foundations for Women Over 50

When it comes to looking our best, wearing the right foundation that evens out our skin tone is the biggest make-or-break makeup product in our entire makeup routine. But as we all know, our foundation can create a beautiful, glowing second-skin…

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2 years ago

These Best of the Best Makeup Products Never Fail Me! (Over 50)

My joy as a makeup artist comes from helping those of us over 50 realize the potential of our best selves. We absolutely deserve to look and feel our best, and – with the right products and techniques – we absolutely can. Makeup can be a wonderful…

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2 years ago

Makeup Application Techniques for a Flawless Look Every Time

Even though I’ve done a boatload of videos focusing on makeup techniques for those of us with more mature skin, I’ve never specifically focused on a subject which is really crucial to creating a beautiful, flawless makeup look: the actual application techniques we use to apply that makeup. After all, we can have a fantastic […]

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2 years ago

Uh-Oh! 10 Makeup Mistakes That Happen to Most of Us – and How to Fix Them

If you look at one side of my face in the accompanying video, and your reaction is “Wow, what a train wreck!” – I’d certainly agree with you! This is what our makeup can look like when we have quite a few “uh, oh” moments when applying our makeup…

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2 years ago

Is Your Photo Making You Look Bad? A Guide to Creating a Great Impression

Notice I didn’t ask, “Do YOU look bad?” I asked, rather, “Is your PHOTO making you look bad?” Photos can do that – and I don’t mean photos that we think look terrible. These are photos that we think look perfectly fine…

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