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Make Money Writing

1 year ago

Perceived Value and Why It Is Important to Those After 50

Perceived value, by definition, is a consumer’s perception of the value of a product or service and its ability to meet their needs. Every day, in my various blogging groups, I hear from women who are hesitant to charge for the goods or services they create…

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2 years ago

9 Practical Tips on How to Self-Publish a Book for Free

My friend Tom managed to self-publish his book for free. I, unfortunately, did not. In this article, I’ll reveal how he did it as well as how much I spent to arrive at the same destination – published author…

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2 years ago

The Joy of Self-Publishing in Your 60s and Beyond

Maybe you’ve written some poetry, short stories, or even a memoir. Perhaps you want to share it with a wider audience, or just give copies to family and friends. I’ve just helped a friend self-publish her memoir. It was so exciting to finally see her…

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3 years ago

Is There No Escape from Overthinking?

After submitting my first article for Sixty and Me, “What Should I Do? Confessions of an Overthinker,” I wanted to affirm my next step. I had decided to enter the blogosphere, but found myself overthinking, again. This week, I’ve been feeling…

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4 years ago

7 Offbeat Jobs That Can Make You a Buck After 60

2020 is winding down, and all I can say is good riddance! I cannot recall a bleaker year. Like me, your job may have either gone POOF! or you are sitting by your phone waiting for that come-on-back call. I may be over 60, but I still get a thrill…

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4 years ago

How to Write A Memoir – From Free Writing to Manuscript

In this time of shelter-in-place, many of us have turned to gardening, baking, or writing to help us stay focused and grounded. I have done all of those things, but mostly I write. Writing is how I make meaning out of seemingly meaningless…

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