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Losing Weight After 60

Like many women, I have learned the hard way that losing weight after 60 is tricky. This doesn't mean that it's impossible. But, it does mean that it requires a solid commitment to exercise, healthy eating and stress relief.

2 years ago

Our Great Grandmothers Wouldn’t Recognize Us: We’re Healthier, Happier and Crushing It!

Women of yesteryear were tough. (And, spoiler alert: so are you and I.) Can you imagine? Those women had no right to vote (until 1920 in the U.S.), iffy birth control, sketchy medical care, no Pampers, no dishwasher…

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Overcome Indulgent Eating So You Can Drop Weight (+ Video!)

If you’re a woman in her 50s and beyond, you probably already know all the things you “should” be doing to keep weight and eating in check. As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who has helped many women overcome indulgent eating…

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2 years ago

Losing Weight After 60: Knowing What to Do Is Different from Doing It

Sometimes a client would confess to me, “I know what I’m supposed to do, but I just can’t do it!” and I would feel like screaming “ME TOO!” As a registered dietitian and personal trainer, I had the education and skills to provide my clients with the best…

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2 years ago

4 Steps for Managing Food Cravings While Eating What You Love

Do you often get the urge to eat when you aren’t hungry? Do you find yourself having lots of cravings for certain foods? The inability to manage cravings can be the downfall of the best efforts of many people who want to lose weight…

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2 years ago

How to Take Charge of Your Own Personal Diet Plan After 60

Most diet systems present one approach that is supposed to work for everyone. They recommend specific changes in foods to eat and the way to eat them, sometimes with extensive amounts of supplements, and often schedules…

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2 years ago

4 Most Common Post Menopause Symptoms and What You Can Do to Control Them

Life post menopause should not be a time of suffering. Rather, it should be a time of wisdom, freedom, and reflection for self-growth. If you find yourself ill at ease with your menopause journey, addressing food and lifestyle changes, alongside any other…

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2 years ago

4 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat After Menopause

It strikes without warning. One day you’re strolling along, thinking you’re finally getting the hang of this thing called ‘life,’ when – BAM! – it hits you as you try to zip up your pants. It’s a reminder that you are not yet done…

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2 years ago

Why Can’t I Lose Weight? How Trauma Sabotages Weight Loss for High Achieving Women (VIDEO)

High achieving women in their 50s and 60s who struggle with making consistently healthy food choices tend to have one thing in common: a history of trauma. Even if these same women have spent years in therapy and are at peace with the traumatic…

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2 years ago

Feeling Restricted by Your Weight After 60? 5 Secrets to Getting Your Body Back

If you’re like most women trying to lose weight, you probably think you must restrict calories, exercise till you drop, deprive yourself of the food you love, and cut off all social contact…

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2 years ago

8 Common Weight Loss Mistakes Women Over 60 Make

I’m not going to lie. Losing weight over 60 is harder and takes longer than it was when we were younger. Our metabolism slows down, and even if you’ve kept in shape, you may not be able to move your body…

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