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Losing Weight After 60

Like many women, I have learned the hard way that losing weight after 60 is tricky. This doesn't mean that it's impossible. But, it does mean that it requires a solid commitment to exercise, healthy eating and stress relief.

9 years ago

How to Lose Weight After Menopause by Making Simple Changes to Your Diet

Belly fat!

No dictionary reference needed here.

Be it belly fat, pot belly, jelly belly or bane in your life fat, belly fat is not fun to have, especially if you eat well and exercise. Read More

9 years ago

5 Videos to Help You Get More from Your Post-Menopausal Body

Many women in the community have told me that they are struggling with one or more aspects of their post-menopausal body. Despite the stereotypes, the truth is that many of us experience symptoms traditionally associated with menopause well into our 60s. Even those of us who feel like menopause is “over” still have to deal with a “new normal” when it comes to our hormones. Read More

9 years ago

Getting Your Hormones Back in Balance After Menopause (Video)

Our hormones do strange and wonderful things as we move through menopause. Estrogen, serotonin and progesterone, once mysterious, become all too familiar to us. By the time we reach our 60s, we expect our bodies to “return to normal.” Read More

9 years ago

What Happens to Our Bodies During and After Menopause? (Video)

Most women in the community are looking at menopause through the rear view mirror. Maybe you whizzed through menopause with almost no symptoms at all. Or, maybe you were one of those women who struggled with hot flashes and night sweats. Regardless, you are probably happy to have left menopause behind. Or have you? Read More

9 years ago

Losing Weight after 60: Get Back in Shape After the Dreaded “Middle Age Spread” (Video)

By the time we get to be 60-years-old, most of us have a good idea of how our diet and lifestyle affects us. We know how we react to certain foods and many of us have adopted better eating habits.

There is, however, one aspect of our lives that remains a mystery. If we are eating better and even exercising, why do we have so much trouble losing weight after 60? Read More

9 years ago

Want to Lose Weight After 60? Try Being More Social!

What really makes people succeed at losing weight after 60? Many people think that losing weight is something we should do “for ourselves,” not out of any external pressure or a need to suit other people’s preferences for how we look. Read More

9 years ago

Thinking About Losing Weight After 50? It’s Time to Get Social!

Let’s be honest. By the time we reach our 50s and 60s most of us have a few extra pounds tucked away for a rainy day. Unfortunately, losing weight after 50 is tough. Besides, in a world filled with a Krispy Kreme Doughnuts store on every corner, having a calorie packed “rainy day fund” is about as useful as having a refrigerator at the North Pole. Read More

9 years ago

Losing Weight After 50 is More About Exercise than Diet, Study Says

Why is losing weight after 50 so tough? It’s a question we all end up asking ourselves at some point. A few years ago, I decided that, when it came to my weight, enough was enough. So, like many boomers, I systematically went through all of my cupboards, removing all of the white bread, biscuits and chocolate. Trust me when I say it was a traumatic experience. I even started drinking green shakes and made my own protein bars, which were surprisingly delicious, after the 137th attempt.

There was just one problem. After months on my new diet, I hadn’t lost any weight. Read More

10 years ago

Soda Shocker! Diet Soda Linked to Weight Gain After 60

If you are struggling with weight gain after 60, your diet soda could be to blame. That’s the conclusion of a new study by the University of Texas. Since diet soda is marketed as a healthier alternative to regular soda, we are often lulled into a false sense of security. In reality, diet soda may be one of the reasons that, as a generation, we are getting fatter. Read More

10 years ago

Fitter or Fatter? Why Boomers Aren’t as Healthy as People Think

One of the claims that is often made about baby boomers is that we are “the healthiest generation of all time.” But, is this really true? We are certainly destined to live longer than any generation before us. At the same time, a study from the University of Toronto is shedding doubt on the idea that we are actually healthier than other generations. Read More