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Losing Weight After 60

Like many women, I have learned the hard way that losing weight after 60 is tricky. This doesn't mean that it's impossible. But, it does mean that it requires a solid commitment to exercise, healthy eating and stress relief.

5 years ago

10 Steps to Help Older Women Get Energized for Losing Weight at the End of the Year 

This year is quickly coming to a close. As a holistic nutritionist I’m often asked: “What is the secret to lasting weight loss?” That’s a heavy question, no pun intended. Here are 10 things I’ve learned in the 20+ years I’ve been helping older women who want to lose weight: Read More

5 years ago

What if Weight Loss Is Not About the Food? Emotions Can Control Your Eating Habits Even After 60!

Here’s the question that I get asked nearly every single day, and not just during weight loss ‘season’: “I know what I’m ‘supposed to do’ to lose weight, so why can’t I do it?”

My clients then go on to explain that they’ve tried cutting their carbs or adjusting their macros or tracking their calories, but it’s just not working.

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5 years ago

Supercharged Nutrition for Losing Weight After 60

Gaining weight is easy for most people – it’s losing it that becomes exceptionally difficult when we hit 60. But is there a strategy that actually works? Join us in discussion with registered dietitian Ashley Koff who has some great information to share. Enjoy the show!

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5 years ago

What is Your Weight Loss “Heart-Set” and Why Does it Matter After 60?

As a registered dietitian, the clients and patients I see are usually struggling with health issues such as overweight, obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and more…

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5 years ago

Using Visualization to Lose Weight After 55 – You’ll Be Surprised That It Actually Works!

In my last post, I shared how I began the process of losing 50 pounds, and how learning to love myself as I was kick-started a healing process I didn’t know I needed. I began with implementing changes…

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5 years ago

Need Another Reason to Avoid Excess Weight? How About Keeping Your Brain Healthy?

Many of us boomer women are aware that carrying around excess weight puts us at increased risk for diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, joint damage and falls…

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5 years ago

Senior Weight Loss 101: What Is the Microbiome Diet?

Our oldest daughter gave us a very special gift this past Christmas: two round trip tickets from Arizona to Minneapolis so we could spend four days after Christmas with her family. We laughed as we played games like Spoons, Telestrations, and Scattergories…

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5 years ago

Want to Lose Weight After 60? It’s Time to Take Personal Responsibility and Make Better Choices

You may have tried to diet and struggled to lose weight. Or you succeeded in losing weight but couldn’t keep it off. Read More

5 years ago

A Super Simple Way 60-Somethings Can Lose 30 Lbs Without Dieting (Yes, for Reals!)

Remember life before the Internet and smartphones? Me either. Let’s have a moment of silence for those days before the era when people developed the posture of candy canes…

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5 years ago

6 Things to Change If You Want to Lose Weight After 60

The time for excuses is over. In this article I will discuss the 6 top mind sets you have to overcome if it is weight loss you are looking for. And not just weight loss, but sustained weight loss.

Vision, goal and take action, that is my motto. Read More