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Losing Weight After 60

Like many women, I have learned the hard way that losing weight after 60 is tricky. This doesn't mean that it's impossible. But, it does mean that it requires a solid commitment to exercise, healthy eating and stress relief.

4 years ago

Trying to Lose Weight After 60? Here Are 3 Steps for Dealing with the Impulsive Urge to Eat

One of the biggest challenges for people trying to lose weight is what to do when they feel like eating but aren’t hungry. That’s the main reason people are overweight – because they don’t eat in response to their hunger and fullness signals…

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4 years ago

Is the Raw Food Diet Right for Women Over 60?

Does it ever seem like there is a trendy new diet being advertised every week? After a while, all of them even start to sound alike. Paleo, Keto, Vegan and others. Who even knows what these are? And more importantly, who knows…

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4 years ago

4 Natural Solutions to Hormonal Harmony After Menopause

Hailey came to me distraught from lack of sleep and constant hot flushes. Her doctor’s only recommendation was Hormone Replacement Therapy, but Hailey wanted to see if I had any natural recommendations…

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4 years ago

Quarantine 15: The Solution No One Is Talking About

Are you suffering from the Quarantine 15? If you haven’t yet heard of the term, it’s a bit like the “freshman 15,” only quarantine style. While there are certainly some people who don’t have enough to eat, others are packing…

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4 years ago

Socially Acceptable Weight Gain? Yup, It’s a Thing!

I stepped off the bathroom scale, looked in the mirror and thought, “Really!” That scale has been totally off the last two months, so I knew it was definitely time for me to kick it to the corner and social distance. Or maybe I should move…

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4 years ago

Are You Ready to Win Gold at the “Weight Loss” Olympics?

Although the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 have been postponed, dedicated athletes have not stopped training vigorously, their eyes on the gold. And let me tell you, you can follow in their steps to get yourself off the starting blocks and put your weight loss plan in action.

Here are my 4 action steps that all Olympic athletes follow to achieve their dreams, and you can incorporate these steps yourself. Read More

4 years ago

Take Action to Lose Weight After 60… and Keep it Off!

In a past article, I discussed six mindsets you have to overcome when trying to lose weight, and keep it off, in your 60s.

The comments by women in the Sixty and Me community showed a great interest in the vision, goal, and action pointers. However, they were particularly interested in the very specific actions that could be taken. Read More

5 years ago

3 Critical Steps to Overcoming Emotional Eating After 60

I think we would all agree that eating well is key to health and a healthy weight. But getting to the eating well part isn’t just about the food. If it were, we would have far fewer overweight people today. Read More

5 years ago

Shed 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes? What to Do if You’re Struggling to Lose Weight After 60

Sounds impossible, right?! Wrong! It’s very possible. Let me explain …

As we grow older and our body takes on different forms and dimensions (we become shape shifters), we may continue to dress as we always have, not realising it just doesn’t work anymore. Read More

5 years ago

How to Get in Shape After 50 in 4 Simple Steps

Staying healthy and staying in shape does get harder as we age.

There are so many things going against us. We are bombarded with skinny young women on the front of magazines that sit right at the supermarket counters so there is no escaping the media glare. Read More