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Losing Weight After 60

Like many women, I have learned the hard way that losing weight after 60 is tricky. This doesn't mean that it's impossible. But, it does mean that it requires a solid commitment to exercise, healthy eating and stress relief.

3 years ago

How to De-Stress and Lose Weight After 60

Stress, stress, stress. That is all we hear being talked about these days. Stress is not necessarily a bad thing. When we can channel our stress productively, life is good. The problems arise when we have chronic stress. Stress can come in many different forms…

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4 years ago

How a Low Functioning Thyroid Can Lead to Weight Gain After 50

Thyroid problems and weight gain can be directly linked. Thyroid issues develop over time. You may have been displaying signs of low thyroid function in your 30s or 40s but were able to push through it. You were able to exercise a little more…

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4 years ago

How to Eliminate Stress and Decrease Weight Gain After 60

Previously, I discussed the effects of estrogen on your body, including subsequent weight gain. The hormone I will be discussing in this article is cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. It is a sad fact of modern day life…

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4 years ago

6 Secrets of Older Women Who Maintain a Healthy Weight

Even though diet books continue to reign as best sellers in the publishing industry, they really have nothing to do with staying slim. They are quick fix remedies that work if you strictly adhere to them, but doing so means you will be following someone…

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4 years ago

4 Ways to Tell if Your Mind Is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Success After 50

There is more to losing weight than simple calories in vs calories out. It is also more than finding out what foods work for you and what do not. The number one important step that many of us do not pay attention to is our mindset. Here is a simple step…

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4 years ago

How Muscle Building Exercises Help You to Lose Weight After 60

Your base metabolic rate is the amount of energy needed to support the basic requirements of being alive. That includes pumping your heart, expanding and contracting the lungs, as well as powering your digestive system…

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4 years ago

8 Things to Remember as We Age and Come to Terms with Hormonal Changes

Whether we want to lose or gain weight, we cannot ignore these facts. That is, unless we want to bury our heads in the sand, or we have discovered the secret to Eternal Youth and still have the body we had when we were 18!

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4 years ago

How Being a “People Pleaser” Can Sabotage Your Weight Loss Efforts After 60

If you feel like everyone’s walking all over you, taking what they need with little or no concern for your needs, you may have what I call ‘doormat energy’ – pleasing others at your own expense. You wanted to go on a walk, but you put your plans…

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4 years ago

If You Want to Lose Weight After 50, Listen to Your Hormones!

Menopause and weight gain often go together thanks to a combination of hormonal disharmony, slower metabolism and lifestyle factors. To achieve hormone harmony, it takes more than simply focusing on one hormone. Today, we will discuss…

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4 years ago

The One Thing You Must Do to Permanently Lose Weight After 60

If you could do just one thing to lose weight and keep it off, would you do it? What if I told you that you wouldn’t have to give up carbs? Or sugar! You wouldn’t have to follow a diet, or count calories or even exercise daily. No special…

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