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Losing Weight After 60

Like many women, I have learned the hard way that losing weight after 60 is tricky. This doesn't mean that it's impossible. But, it does mean that it requires a solid commitment to exercise, healthy eating and stress relief.

3 years ago

Do Antidepressant Medications Cause Obesity?

It’s a terrible cycle – depression can lead to inactivity, loss of motivation, unhealthy eating habits, and weight gain, all of which can perpetuate feelings of depression. And while there is no doubt that pharmaceutical treatments for depression…

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3 years ago

Can Weight Loss Be Fun? You Bet! Here’s How!

Are you rolling your eyes yet? Weight loss? Fun?! If you are like lots of people, you may think that losing weight is anything but. Surprise, suffering is not required! Most people look at weight loss as a punishment…

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3 years ago

4 Things You Need to Know About Sleep, Aging and Weight Loss This Fall

As fall sets in and the days grow longer, you might find yourself more reluctant to get out of bed, or perhaps suddenly your sleep may feel more disrupted. For those who want to optimize aging and weight management, seasonal sleep disruptions can have unforeseen…

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3 years ago

Can You Want to Lose Weight and Love Yourself Just the Way You Are?

In popular culture, there seem to be two extremes when it comes to weight and self-acceptance. One says that everyone needs to have a normal BMI, the other states you’re fine just the way you are. According to the former, any pound over a “normal” BMI…

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3 years ago

Can Positive Affirmations Help Us with Body Image and Weight Loss After 60?

Most of us have heard about using positive affirmations. But are they really effective? And can they really help with weight loss? Consider this: Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation – even the negative stuff…

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3 years ago

When it Comes to Weight Loss After 60, You Have a Choice: Pleasure Now or Pleasure Later!

When it comes to living well, what gives you pleasure? Is it feeling good, having energy, being connected to people and things you care about? I’m guessing these are the things that give most of us pleasure. The thing is, none of these things comes…

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3 years ago

Is Insulin Resistance the Culprit Behind Your Belly Fat?

If you’re struggling with extra weight in the belly, insulin resistance may be causing the problem. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. One of its functions is to transport sugars from the blood into all other cells of the body…

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3 years ago

10 Silly Stories That Stop You from Losing Weight After 60

What stories do you tell yourself that keep you from losing weight? We all have our little stories, like the things we believe about ourselves and our relationship with food and weight loss. But what if you did question them? I bet you’d find out…

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3 years ago

Surf Those Urges to Eat When You Aren’t Hungry

Do you get the urge to eat when you’re not hungry, and just give in? Do you think you can’t stop doing this because you don’t have any willpower? The fact is that you don’t have to have willpower to make the decision not to eat when you’re tempted to do so…

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3 years ago

How Much Weight Can You Expect to Lose After Weight loss Surgery?

Having realistic expectations is helpful before jumping into weight loss surgery. Among the most common questions we hear is how much weight someone can expect to lose following their procedure. Pounds lost is important, but so are other…

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