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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

10 years ago

6 Fun Retirement Party Ideas for Women

Women over sixty are redefining the concept of “retirement.” Instead of “aging gracefully,” more women than ever are starting new businesses, working part-time, volunteering, pursuing creative interests, or otherwise finding new ways to make a contribution to the world. Read More

10 years ago

Can Money Buy Happiness in Retirement? You Might be Surprised…

Financial security is an important concern for a lot of women over 60. Many of us are still working and are in the final stages of planning for retirement. Others have already left the workforce and are looking for ways to make their retirement savings last longer. Some are living on pensions or fixed incomes. But, exactly how much money does it really take to find happiness in retirement? Read More

10 years ago

6 Ridiculous Myths About Women Over 60

Today, women over 60 are defining and creating a whole new category of bold and fearless individuals with style, energy and ability! Many younger people might be surprised at the reality of life for women over 60 and the depth of their desire to be heard, respected and visible.

I asked women in the Sixty and Me community what they thought was the biggest misconception or stereotype that people have about our age group. They came back fighting with responses that were gutsy and enlightening. Read More

10 years ago

More Women Over 60 than Ever Are Living Alone… and Loving it!

Midlife women are doing it again. As we did in our 20s, we are questioning fundamentals, challenging the status quo, being stubbornly bohemian and embracing the unconventional. Boomers are tenaciously breaking down stereotypes about aging and redefining life after 60. However, this raises an important question. Read More

10 years ago

How to Make a Vision Board Work – It’s All in Your Head

Several years ago, while I was going through a major downsizing exercise, I came across a vision board that my son had created in 5th grade. Of course, he had no idea what a vision board was at the time, but, it was clear that this was the result of his creative effort. His visual collage was both beautiful and eerily prescient. Read More

10 years ago

60 Ways to Find Meaning in Life After 60

Does the meaning of life change after 60? That’s the question I found myself asking, recently, as I sat in a small café, writing and preparing for the week to come. Read More

10 years ago

Do Too Many Women Over 60 Have a Fear of Asking for Help?

The feminist movement gave women many gifts. Whatever your opinion about “women’s lib,” most efforts to achieve equality and independence have been helpful. Women can vote, own property and enjoy a wide range of legal and financial freedoms. Women truly have come out of the shadows and chosen to take off their invisibility cloaks. Read More

10 years ago

Unexpected Surprises and the Important Life Lessons they Taught Us

When I was 12 years old, I spent a lot of time imagining how my life would unfold. I created a wonderful plan, complete with well-defined dots, connected by entirely straight lines. I soon realized that the map I drew in my mind was sketched in pencil, not in ink. Read More

11 years ago

Why I Love My Invisibility Cloak – And Why I’m Taking It Off

Women, especially older women, often feel invisible. Like many women, I spoke out in the 1960s. I pushed hard to build a career in a “man’s world” and I started the Sixty and Me community to give women over 60 a voice. Read More

11 years ago

Useful Resources to Help You Make Money After Retirement

Nancy Collamer is my guest on this latest episode the Sixty and Me Show. Nancy is a well-known career coach and author of a book called “Second Act Careers: 50 Ways to Profit from Your Passions in Semi-Retirement.” As a blogger for Next Avenue and Forbes, she writes about issues facing older women in “semi-retirement”. Read More