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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

10 years ago

Sixty and Me Sisters – Let’s Share Our Stories

Each one of us has a powerful story to tell. We may not know the words yet, but, deep inside our heart, we know what we want to say. Every time I talk to another woman in our community, I learn something new. Every single one of you has a fascinating story to tell. Read More

10 years ago

Getting Older: How Many Ages Are You Now?

Do you often think about getting older? Do you ever find yourself regressing to a younger age? I know I do! There are times when I am traveling to a new place that I feel myself becoming deeply connected with my inner-child. Looking out the window, I remember the wonder of discover and the simple pleasure of seeing a place for the first time.

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10 years ago

Life After 60 is a Dance – Don’t Stand in the Corner

For most of our lives, our choices are strongly influenced by others. Now, we finally have the opportunity make life after 60 anything we want it to be.

Unfortunately, many of us are still stuck with the habits that we formed during our 20s and 30s. We are used to life being something that happens “to us.” So, like little girls at our first school dance, we stand on the sidelines, waiting for someone to approach.

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10 years ago

Be Proud of Your Emotional Battle Scars After 60

The most interesting women over 60 that I know have more than their share of emotional battle scars. It seems like the more interesting our lives are, the more of a burden we are asked to bear. Does it sometimes feel the same to you? Read More

10 years ago

What’s in a Name? Are We Seniors, Baby Boomers or Something Else?

If there’s one thing that people in their 60s hate, it’s being labelled. After all, we have fought back against stereotypes and boundaries all our lives. Now, as we get a little older, we want to be treated as individuals and tend to reject group names. Read More

10 years ago

Refusing to be Silent After 60

Women over 60 have so much wisdom to share with the world. So, why does it feel like we are expected to be silent? Maybe it has something to do with how older people are portrayed in movies and on TV. Other the occasional “angry seniors”, most of the men and women over 60 that you see on screen are happy to age gracefully. Read More

10 years ago

Downsizing is All About Saying “Yes!”

Over the years, we accumulate a lot of stuff. Since we live in a consumer-oriented society, this is probably inevitable. We buy homes and decorate them with furniture. Clothing is a constant source of amusement and distraction as we adjust our style to the latest trends. Then, in our 60s, we suddenly start to think about downsizing. Read More

10 years ago

Pros and Cons of Living in a Retirement Village

If you’re in retirement, or fast approaching retirement age, perhaps you’re wondering about where you want to live during this next stage of life. Many women over 60 are reinventing retirement by working longer, dating new partners, traveling and retiring abroad, and otherwise living life with a new level of vitality and purpose. Read More

10 years ago

Downsizing in Retirement – Can You Live with 200 Items?

Retirement is a good time to assess what is important in our lives. By focusing on our priorities and downsizing in retirement, we can make space for the things that really matter. In a literal sense, “downsizing” can mean moving to a smaller house or learning to “traveling light.” For me, it is so much more than this. After a lifetime of accumulating “stuff,” downsizing allows us to create mental space. It helps us to simplify our life on a fundamental level. It all starts with shifting our focus away from “things” and towards experiences and people. Read More

10 years ago

6 Retirement Tips for a Happier, Healthier, Wealthier Life

If you are winding down your working years and getting ready to embrace life as a retiree, it can often present a surprising blend of emotions. As you approach retirement, it’s natural to feel happy, proud, nostalgic, wistful, and perhaps a bit uncertain or even worried about “what do I do next?” Read More