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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

9 years ago

Active Adult Communities vs. Retirement Homes – Which Option Is Right for Your Lifestyle?

Retirement homes are not what they used to be. In fact, people over 55 now have more options than ever before. This means you don’t have to decide between moving in with your kids and living in a nursing home. And just because you’re getting a little older doesn’t mean you have to give up your active lifestyle, either.

But how do you decide whether active adult communities or retirement homes are the better choice for you? Read More

9 years ago

Wondering What to Do in Retirement? Why Not Start With a Volunteer Vacation?

Retirement is wonderful. You’re able to say goodbye to long commutes, boring meetings and late nights at the office. You have plenty of time to do the things you enjoy. But what if plenty of time is actually too much time? Read More

9 years ago

What Do You Want to Accomplish in the Next 10 Years?

We always seem to be setting goals for the next great thing we want to do. Every decade has its own unique lens. Read More

9 years ago

A Woman’s Face Tells You More than Her Clothes

Today, I came across a quote by Dale Carnegie that reminded me of all of the fabulous women that have surprised me over the years. The quote was, “The expression a woman wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back.” Read More

9 years ago

Are We Really “Clueless” Before Age 50?

Being a woman is hard work. For most of our lives, we are battered around by external and internal forces alike. As girlfriends, mothers, wives, colleagues and grandmothers, we have to deal with the expectations of others. At the same time, we are often our own worst critics. We worry about how we look. We criticize our own decisions. We worry about the future. And on… and on. Read More

9 years ago

Be a Possibilitarian – Pursue Your Dreams and Get More from Life After 60

As I round the bend toward seventy, one thought becomes clearer with each passing year. The longer we live, the more opportunities we have to pursue our dreams. This is a message I love to share… and, to my great surprise, I have the street creds to go with it! Read More

9 years ago

Why Sixty and Me is a Community Built on Acceptance and Love

It might seem strange to use a quote from Lady Gaga to explain how I feel about the Sixty and Me community, but, it is surprisingly fitting. She once said, “I think tolerance and acceptance and love is something that feeds every community.” Let me explain why I find this quote so powerful. Read More

10 years ago

Choosing to Be Happy is Good for Your Health! A Voltaire Quote

Since starting Sixty and Me, I have come across hundreds of amazing quotes and I have to say that one of my favorites is also one of the simplest. Voltaire once said, “I have chosen to be happy, it’s good for my health.” Every time I post this quote on our Facebook page, I get thousands of likes and comments, so, it seems like this is one of our community’s favorites as well!

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10 years ago

What Describes Your Ideal Retirement Lifestyle?

There was a time when the idea of a “retirement lifestyle” was a uniform experience. A few generations ago, for those lucky enough to reach age 65, the only real option was to live alone or move back in with your family. Retirement communities existed, but, they were expensive, restrictive and designed primarily for people with medical concerns. Read More

10 years ago

Are You Ready to Write the Next Chapter of Your Life in Your 60s?

By the time we reach our 60s, most of us have regrets. This is a natural part of life. Some of us regret the way that a certain relationship ended. Others wish that we had stayed in closer contact with our friends or family. Still others wonder whether we should have taken a different path in our career.

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