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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

9 years ago

Your Dreams Won’t Wait for You! Start Your New Life After 60 Today!

I don’t think that there is a woman on the planet who has not made the statement “I wish that I had…” at least once in their lives. There are so many things that hold us back from achieving our dreams – some practical and some psychological. In my experience, most of these are of our own creation. Read More

9 years ago

Don’t Take Life After 60 Too Seriously – Let’s Embrace Nonsense!

When my children were young, I used to love to read Dr. Seuss books to them. There was something about the strange characters and wonderful worlds that sent all of us into uncontrollable fits of giggling. It’s a shame that, as adults, we are expected to be so serious. It’s almost as if we forget how to appreciate the silly, nonsensical moments in life. Read More

9 years ago

The Secret to Being Fearless in Your 60s Is…

Ok, I may be slightly biased, but, in my opinion, women over 60 are amazing! Having lived through six decades of incredible change and complexity, we really are able to deal with almost any eventuality. Read More

9 years ago

How to Live like The Golden Girls: New Book Makes it Easy

Have you ever thought about living with roommates? If so, you are in step with a growing cadre of baby boomers who are turning to shared living as a fun, affordable housing option as they age.

A Golden Girls Home is where mature adults share a home. Maybe it’s two women sharing an apartment; maybe it’s four men and women sharing a house. Read More

9 years ago

Are you a City Woman or a Country Girl?

Every time I go into the city, I crave a penthouse apartment on the 31st floor of some tall skyscraper, so that I can look out over the city lights. I would find a deli open in the middle of the night and go to the theatre every day of the week. Read More

9 years ago

Want to Find Meaning in Retirement? Forgive Others, Plan for the Future and Get Healthy!

Reaching retirement age creates cacophony of conflicting emotions. On the one hand, we feel a sense of relief that, after decades of hard work, we will finally be able to pursue our passions. On the other hand, with all of our social relationships changing, it’s easy to feel lost, or even fearful about the future. Read More

9 years ago

Do We Really Stop Learning After 60?

I usually agree wholeheartedly with the quotes that I share with the Sixty and Me community, but, today I came across one that I have mixed feelings about. The quote, by Marie Ebner-Eschenbach, is “In youth we learn, in age we understand.” Read More

9 years ago

Life After 60 Isn’t Perfect? No Problem – It’s Still Amazing!

Life after 60 isn’t perfect. In addition to the everyday concerns that exist in your younger years, you also have to deal with a weakening body, living on a pension and changing social roles. With all this going on, it’s easy to be discouraged. I even know women who are quite bitter about their life after 60. They look at their life and ask themselves “This is it? How, after 40 years in the workforce did it come to this?” Read More

9 years ago

Living Alone or in a Community? What’s Best After 60?

Over the last few years, more and more women have chosen to live in communities. In theory, this living situation is similar to the communes that many women were at least aware of in their 20s. In those days, women chose to live together for philosophical reasons. For example, many women found that this living session provided an outlet for their bohemian style and desire for experimentation. Read More

9 years ago

Why the Strongest Women Are Not the Most Aggressive

When you see a “strong woman” portrayed in a movie or on TV, she is almost always pushy, opinionated and self-centered. There is an implicit assumption that in order for a woman to be “strong,” she needs to be aggressive and brash. Read More