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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

9 years ago

17 Resources to Help You Find Amazing Retirement Ideas

When it comes to finding retirement ideas, there are plenty of people who are more than happy to tell you where to put your money (usually into their hands.) But, if you are looking for retirement ideas to help you get the most from your life more holistically, it’s hard to know where to turn. Read More

9 years ago

This Thanksgiving, it’s Time to Put on Your Red Shoes and Dance

Thanksgiving is a time for sharing our gratitude with the world.

It is also an opportunity for personal reflection. As we give thanks for the many wonderful people, places and things in our lives, we can learn about ourselves and our values. Read More

9 years ago

3 Questions to Ask if You Want to Build a Happy Retirement

Over the years, the concept of “retirement” has changed significantly. Our grandparents could expect to live a decade or so after reaching retirement age. Now, with life expectancy at age 65 almost double what it was when the Social Security Administration was founded in 1935, life after retirement is changing. Read More

9 years ago

Looking for More from Life After Retirement? Follow the Advice of Your Sixty and Me Sisters

Life after retirement can be a time of unlimited possibility. With fewer commitments to others, we are finally free to explore the world and pursue our passions. At the same time, retiring can be confusing. Unfortunately, many of us have already lost our parents, making it difficult to know who to turn to for advice. Read More

9 years ago

Is Your Past Preventing You from Getting the Most from Life After 60?

Depending on your perspective, the past can be your best friend or your worst enemy after 60. Some of us are able to see the past as a treasure chest of learning experiences. Others, like me, if I’m completely honest, struggle to let go of our mistakes and let the past prevent us from living fully in the moment. Which of these two extremes are you closest to? Read More

9 years ago

What to Do in Retirement: Sharing Your Passions and Gifts with the World (Video) 

If you are wondering what to do in retirement to maximize your health, wealth and happiness, this interview is for you! Do you want to share your passions and gifts with the world? Are you wondering what to do in retirement to maximize your happiness and sense of personal meaning? Are you looking for part-time, volunteer or seasonal work? If so, this interview with Mary Eileen Williams will give you the resources you need to jump-start your journey. Read More

9 years ago

4 Powerful Reasons that Life After Retirement is Better Without a Car

Is life after retirement better without a car? If you have driven for most of your life, your initial reaction may be “no way!” I felt the same. For most of my life, I couldn’t imagine living without a car. During the week, I had a lengthy commute. On the weekends, I zipped back and forth to the mall, collecting “things” that, in hindsight, I probably didn’t need. Then, in my 60s, something happened that completely changed my perspective on owning a car. Read More

9 years ago

Life After 60 is All About Creating Yourself, Not Finding Yourself (Video)

Most women in their 60s feel like they have made good decisions and enjoyed successful careers so far. Now, with retirement on the horizon, many of us are looking to convert the professional contacts, skills and experience that we acquired during our careers into profitable opportunities. Read More

9 years ago

6 Questions to Help You Find Meaning in Life after Retirement (Video)

Making the transition to life after retirement is challenging. Beyond the obvious practical considerations of where to live, how to stay healthy and how to pay for everything, we also worry about how to find meaning in our lives.

The 6 secret questions included in this article will help you to reconnect with yourself and build the life that you deserve. Read More

9 years ago

5 Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Roommate in Retirement (Video)

Making friends as an adult is difficult. This is especially true when you are in retirement and many of the social bonds that you relied on in the past fade away. One option that many women over 60 find appealing is getting a roommate. Read More