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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

6 years ago

3 Keys to Help You Enjoy Life in Retirement on Your Own Terms

There are three paths Baby Boomers are increasingly walking so they can live their own dreams before they die. These keys have the potential to completely change your life – if you choose to use them. Read More

6 years ago

Is Co-Living a Lifestyle You Could Embrace in Your 60s?

Co-living is a new way of looking at independent living in a community. This is a new lifestyle of communal houses created and run by their residents. Read More

7 years ago

Want to Enrich Your Life After 60? Embrace Traditions, Old and New

What traditions do you celebrate with family and friends? Traditions have an important place in our lives, and as I grow older, I value them more than ever. This month, I took part in a decades-old tradition with friends and created a new one with a family member…

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7 years ago

Is the Life of a Roving Retiree for You?

My husband and I ‘fired’ the corporate world early! We had enough of late night teleconference calls. Not to mention we were tired of long hours spent commuting to work and the little time we had for ourselves and each other. Read More

7 years ago

Would You Live in a Tiny Home Village? Now You Can!

Not long after our kids move out, most of us start to wonder whether we still need all the stuff around the house. Then, as we approach retirement, we start to wonder, do we even need the house? Why not move into a smaller place and give our retirement savings a boost with the money that we save? Read More

7 years ago

What Do You Plan to Do with “Your One Wild and Precious Life?”

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do

With your one wild and precious life?”

– Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

Mary Oliver’s quote was like a slap in the face – gentle, but insistent. It was the third time I’d seen that quote in the last two weeks. I wondered, “What’s going on here? What am I missing?” Read More

7 years ago

When Retirement Becomes Less About Money and More About Emotional Wealth

In 1964, Bob Dylan wrote the song, “The Times They Are a-Changin’.” As he sang those famous words, I wonder if he had any idea how much they would come to represent an entire generation of Americans. Read More

7 years ago

Thinking About Retirement? Here’s How to Find Your Own North Star and Get More from Life

Last year, I met with two of my retired friends for a Saturday afternoon glass of wine. Both had retired within the previous two years. Read More

7 years ago

Why We Should Replace the Word “Retirement” with the Phrase “Lifestyle Change”

We read about how wonderful being over 60 is and that retirement is almost regarded as Nirvana. Social media is splashed with photographs of retirees enjoying themselves and looking happy. Read More

7 years ago

Not So Guilty Pleasures: 3 Life Enhancers to Make You Feel Like a Million Bucks After 60

Who doesn’t love it when they find a pleasure that’s absolutely free? Not only do I know I’ve treated myself to something wonderful, I feel very clever about it, which makes me feel, well, rich. And that is the whole point of my philosophy of living like a millionaire on a retirement budget. Read More