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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

5 years ago

How Do You Spend Your Time and Money in Retirement?

Whether you’re retired or have chosen to work well after 60, there is plenty you can do with your free time and extra buck. Read More

6 years ago

An Insider’s Guide to Retiring in Bali

I retired in Bali… can you?

Retirement crept up on me. I had excellent health, meager savings and a severe case of age-appropriate denial. Then, three friends died of cancer within eighteen months. I wasn’t yet sixty-one. All younger than I, they had unrealized dreams and unfinished lives. Read More

6 years ago

Travel After 60: Cancelling Our Trip Felt Good – Can You Believe It?

This past summer, my husband and I kept running into people who had been to Europe on bike trips. Every conversation fed our intrigue and we started looking into a self-guided bike trip through Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. Read More

6 years ago

Loving Life After 60: Are You Living Where Your Soul Feels at Home?

I live in the tropical jungle and dream of cities and cold. A friend lives in an Edwardian, Edinburgh townhouse and dreams of a chic, modern glass dwelling at the beach. Read More

6 years ago

Retire Earlier, Live Better, Spend Less – It’s Easy Overseas!

“I’m sitting on my roof terrace looking out at the beautiful Pacific Ocean… and I’m basking in the feeling of being on a permanent vacation… [on] a monthly budget of $1,200,” says Mark Bradbury from his perch at the beach in Ecuador.   Read More

6 years ago

The Power of Being Grateful for the Small Things

Every morning, I have a strange habit. As I am taking a shower, I think about the miracle of modern life. As the water rushes over my body, I remind myself how amazing it is that we have hot water flowing into our homes. I feel grateful for the electricity that lights my home and keeps me warm. As I cook breakfast, I try to remember times when I have been hungry – and the people around the world who still are. Read More

6 years ago

9 Major Tips for Packing and Moving in Your 60s with Grace and Style

Chances are, sometime in your 60s, the moment arrives when you have to, or want to, move out of your long-time home. Whether you’re downsizing into a smaller, easier space to care for, or charting a new lifestyle in a new place, the word ‘move’ creates dread in every heart…

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6 years ago

Los Angeles, the NoHo Arts District: A Guide for the Visitor or Potential Resident

As women over 60, we are hardly at the end of our game. We are vibrant creatures who love art, sports, music, food, social interaction and all the other blessings of a rich culture. Read More

6 years ago

Your World in Your 60s: Can You Dream It Anew?

What is it that you want to do when you grow up? I know that sounds like a youth-centric question to those of us who are already retired and older than what our imaginations ever led us to envision. Read More

6 years ago

What is the Secret to a Happy Retirement? Advice from the Sixty and Me Community

Turning 60 is a scary experience for a lot of women. Unlike other birthdays, we are not worried about “getting old.” We are not concerned about a few more wrinkles or the fact that we have gained a few extra pounds. No, the issues that we face as we enter our 60s are deeper. Read More