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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

5 years ago

10 Great Things About Retirement that You Should Never Forget

Retirement can be many things – some good, some bad – but it can also be quite confusing to navigate. And in many ways, it resembles the teenage years – remember those? A scary thought!

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5 years ago

How to Improve Your Life as You Go Through the Stages of Retirement

I have now made it through the first two weeks of my ‘retirement’. One thing I realized is that I was already starting to lose track of the days but was saved by my pill box! As long as I remember to take my pills each day, then I’ll remind myself of what day it actually is. Read More

5 years ago

Entertaining Like a Millionaire on a Retirement Budget

I have long believed that taking someone into your home and giving them a meal is one of the kindest and most luxurious things you can do. The world is a noisy, busy place.

We are all involved in our own little dramas. And the act of being invited in from the cold (even when it’s hot!) is a true delight. To be treated kindly, to be fed is a luxury of the highest order. Read More

5 years ago

Do You Have a Love Affair with Busy? A Break-up Could Save Your Social Life and Physical Wellbeing

When you ask someone whom you’ve not seen for a while, “How have you been?” you likely hear, “I’ve been so busy.” There is even a sense of pride that often comes with that response…

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5 years ago

Amazing, Affordable Getaways: 5 Places Where a Month-Long Escape Costs $1,500 (FREE Report!)

Low costs… great weather… and excellent, affordable healthcare. There are lots of benefits to giving overseas living a try. But what if you haven’t decided yet which overseas retirement haven you prefer? Or what if you don’t even know yet if this go-abroad strategy is for you?

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5 years ago

Retirement Is Awful! 3 Tips to Get You on the Positive Side of That Experience

Everyone has complaints about their work, and often, retirement seems an idyllic time of freedom from schedules and appointments with far fewer responsibilities. But, as with all phases of life, there are good and bad facets…

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5 years ago

How Caregiving Taught Me the Need to Plan for Aging

You may have taken care of an older relative in the past, but odds are, you’re a caregiver right now. If that’s the case, I say, “Good on you, and congratulations for stepping up.” Read More

5 years ago

Is Living in a Retirement Community Right for You? Here’s How to Find Out!

A few years ago, I began thinking about how I would choose to live if I could live any way that I wanted to. Read More

5 years ago

7 Priceless Tips for Retiring Abroad (#2 Could Save Your Sanity!)

International moving is not for sissies! It’s a jolt to every cell in your body. I know – I just did a reverse commute! Read More

5 years ago

How to Live in Luxury in Retirement… No Matter Your Budget

At International Living, we believe firmly that you don’t have to be wealthy and well-connected to lead a more interesting, international life full of adventure and travel. You simply need to know how to do it. And there’s nobody better positioned to show you than the experts at International Living. Read More