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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

5 years ago

3 Ways Retiring Overseas Can Help You Form More (and Stronger!) Friendships

There’s no doubt that the thought of retiring overseas has its appeal. Lower living expenses – especially housing and health care costs – and a better climate can be very persuasive!

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5 years ago

Can Retiring Overseas Help You to Live a Longer, Healthier Life? These Experts Say Yes!

Are you approaching retirement age and mulling your options? Or someone already there, but realizing that life after 60 isn’t quite as you imagined it, and neither is retirement?

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5 years ago

What Are You Doing for Your “Summer Vacation” (Which Is the Rest of Your Life)?

The day was very dusty, and as always happens in Mongolia, very windy. In a huge bowl surrounded by cliffs and mountains near Uglii, the small city where the main Eagle Festival takes place at the beginning of the Central Asian winter…

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5 years ago

3 Ways Retiring Abroad Can Enrich Your Finances (and 2 Financial Traps to Look Out for!)

Face it. Nothing will have as much impact on your retirement as where you spend it.But what if retiring in place would require sticking to a bare-bones budget just to prevent you from outlasting your money?

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5 years ago

Do You Look at Retirement as the Right Time to Engage and Unleash Your Daemon? Maybe You Should!

In David Brooks’ The Second Mountain – A Quest for a Moral Life, he writes about the daemon. What Is the DAEMON? “A daemon is a calling, an obsession, a source of lasting and sometimes manic energy…

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5 years ago

Living on a Cruise Ship: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 

On the surface, living on a cruise ship sounds like heaven. Just imagine. It’s 7am and you are awoken by the sunrise and the sounds of sea birds. You stretch, throw on a robe and make your way to your balcony. Moments later, your husband returns with two cappuccinos and a carafe of fresh orange juice. Read More

5 years ago

Is Every Day Saturday When You Are Retired? 3 Ways to Keep Your Schedule Interesting

At the first stage of retirement, the transition stage, it is sometimes difficult to remember what day of the week it is when you wake up. For me, my pill box is my first reminder! A friend once told me that retirement meant that every day was Saturday. Read More

5 years ago

60 Ways to Get More from Life after Retirement

Reaching retirement is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, after decades of following other peoples’ rules, there is a sense of relief that you will finally get to live the way that you want to. On the other hand…

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5 years ago

Feeling Unhappy? This Powerful Happiness Exercise Works Like Magic

Are we living where our soul feels at home? This topic resonates with many of us.

Many of us have lived in a certain place for career or family reasons. Or perhaps we lived in a place we once loved but which no longer speaks to us. Read More

5 years ago

This is the Worst Mistake You Can Make When Retiring Abroad

There are many reasons that retiring abroad has become a hot trend. Some of us are looking for a way to live comfortably on Social Security and our limited savings. Others are choosing to seek adventure in far of places after a lifetime of being stuck in a cubicle. Still others are moving abroad in retirement to be closer to family members in other countries. Read More