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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

5 years ago

3 Ways to Avoid an Unhealthy Retirement Lifestyle

These days, there’s a stigma that older people are considered boring. It’s no wonder, too, with seniors averaging 47 hours and 13 minutes of watching television every week…

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5 years ago

Psychological Portfolio for Retirement – It’s Not Just About the Money

We’re all accustomed to hearing and reading about planning for retirement, which usually only covers the financial side of things. There’s no minimizing the importance of money to live on…

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5 years ago

The Poisonous Impact of Losing Your Sense of Control After 60… and the Surprising Antidote

We all need to feel like we are in control of our lives. We want to believe that our actions matter… that if we do “the right things,” we will be rewarded. Psychologists call this belief – that our actions control our outcomes – our “internal locus of control…”

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5 years ago

Invite Denmark Into Your Home and Discover Hygge – The Feeling of Good Moments

Picture this: Soft music playing. Candles casting flickering shadows over the smiling faces of your close friends. A wonderful Italian pasta filling the room with delicious smells. Warm bread drenched in butter. Bottles of your favorite wine on the table. Laughter. Conversation. Read More

5 years ago

Second Thoughts About Not Cooking – a Tale from Our Continuing Care Retirement Community

One reason I’d wanted to move into my continuing care retirement community was to stop cooking dinner. I’d grown tired of planning meals, dashing to the supermarket for missing ingredients…

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5 years ago

How Often Do You Get to Sit Comfortably on Public Transportation?

People who go everywhere by car may have many complaints – traffic, the price of petrol (gas), or finding a parking space. But at least they can expect to travel in comfort…

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5 years ago

Feng Shui and the Psychology of Living in Color

We are surrounded by color, everywhere, all the time. Psychology tells us that color affects our moods and perceptions (including how things taste and smell to us)…

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5 years ago

Lobster or Chicken? How to Spend Your Money in Retirement

I saw this as a little blurb in an AARP article: “When you eat out, do you order lobster or chicken?” I stopped cold. I order the chicken, of course. And now I’m annoyed with myself. Read More

5 years ago

I’m Not Ready – But We’re Moving to a CCRC

We entered the lobby – armchairs upholstered in mid-century colors; a painting of a rearing white horse; a row of walkers parked along a wall; a foursome of bent…

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5 years ago

10 Hard Truths Unveiled About Retiring Abroad – Experience Is Everything!

“Living abroad is a lot of work,” I tell people who ask me what it was like to live in Mexico for decades. I recently moved back to the United States, and I thought I’d share my first-hand knowledge with everyone…

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