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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

3 years ago

3 Steps to Rewrite Your Life Story In 2022

Before you know it, the holidays will arrive and soon after, a brand new year. With the unprecedented change and upheaval our world has undergone in the last 24 months, it may feel natural to wish for things to get back to some semblance of normal…

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3 years ago

The Time of New Beginnings: Where My Journey Started

I’m turning 65 in a few weeks, and I’m thinking about another milestone birthday that marked the beginning of a new life for me. Turning 50 was the catalyst for launching an international lifestyle that I’m still enjoying today and plan to keep on enjoying…

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3 years ago

Unfinished Business: Can We Finally Have It All in Retirement?

I announced my decision to retire just before my 65th birthday. It wasn’t my first retirement. A divorce forced the sale of my business at the crack of Covid. My emergency back-up career in real estate served me well, but reaching Medicare age gave me a nudge…

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3 years ago

How Life After Retirement is Like Being a Student Again

As ready as I was to leave my 8-7 (it was never 9-5) world after a successful and satisfying career, I had the usual feelings that many people experience upon the phenomenon our society calls retirement. No one tells you that retirement takes processing…

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3 years ago

Don’t Put Your Dreams for Retirement in a Storage Unit

My husband, with the help of his eldest son, finally decided to tackle his mother’s storage unit. A task long dreaded, yet long overdue. The 10×20 unit was jam-packed to the ceiling with boxes of fabric, collectibles and furniture from the home she left…

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3 years ago

5 Ways to Tell if You Are Being Too Financially Generous with Your Adult Children

The U.S. economy expanded 1.6 percent in the first three months of 2021, compared with 1.1 percent in the final quarter of 2020. The economy shook off some of the lingering effects of the pandemic as consumers started spending again…

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3 years ago

Risks Worth Taking Require Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone While Honoring Your Authentic Self

If you want to accomplish your life goals, experience success in your endeavors, and enjoy a life worth living, you must be willing to step outside your comfort zone. Browse the subject online, and you will find plenty of resources on the value…

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3 years ago

Are You Ready for a Roommate in Your 60s? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself

Having a roommate is probably something you haven’t done since your college years. But four decades after hanging up their caps and gowns, many people are considering it again. A 2018 AARP survey found significant interest in homesharing…

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3 years ago

How to Make Retired Life a Pleasurable Experience

Many of us look forward to the day we retire. As our professional lives wind down, that moment we can finally leave it all behind beckons us like a Promised Land. I retired from a demanding career five years ago, and I can say that much of that promised bliss is real…

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3 years ago

Why Having a Sense of Purpose Is So Important in Retirement

Do you do something that fills you with satisfaction and meaning? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment because what you do aligns with who you are? Or, are you in a quandary to discover how to contribute your expertise and good heart in the world?

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