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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

2 years ago

4 Simple Exercises to Help You Find Clarity During Your Retirement Years

As a senior woman, chances are you have lived a life of duty. You have spent most of your decades dedicating time, focus, and energy to your family and career – which is a completely noble and necessary role…

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2 years ago

Do You Have a Happy or a Fulfilled Retirement?

As you retire and start a new phase of your life, the metric for a successful retirement appears to be happiness. This may be a good measure of the first few years of retirement when people need time to get used to freedom…

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2 years ago

Has Spain Lived Up to My ExPat Expectations?

We left the United States to dislodge ourselves from the inevitable third act doldrums. My post-career life began to show signs of the common societal memes associated with retirement. The tell-tale lack of energy. An inability to focus. Dare I admit…

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2 years ago

4 Tips for Easing into Retirement

We navigate change all of the time because change is constant. Fortunately, we’ve also developed coping skills that make transitions easier. Retirement is a major life change that more and more of us are facing, either by default or by design…

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2 years ago

Life After 60 May Just Be the Most Productive – It’s All About Perfect Timing

“Happiness climbs high early in adulthood but begins to slide downward in the late thirties and early forties, dipping to a low in the fifties. But we recover quickly from this slump…”

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2 years ago

Boo! Don’t Let Retirement Planning Scare You!

As children we were easily scared by a ghoulish costume, a haunted house, or a truly ghastly ghost story, especially during the Autumn season when the days are getting shorter and the nights longer. Then we grew up and realized that there are more scary…

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2 years ago

What Your Home Says About You

Over the years, I have had a unique opportunity to visit many homes as a real estate appraiser and broker. Looking back, surprisingly, the most memorable homes that I visited were not the most expensive, largest or grandiose!

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2 years ago

Choose Refirement Rather Than Vintage Retirement! These 7 Questions Will Help You Find Your Direction

This January, I’ll start my 78th year. I’m part of a large aging population in America. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2030, all baby boomers like me will be older than 65…

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2 years ago

What Day Is It? The Muddled Confusion of a Recent Retiree

I might have under-thought the results of multiple, rapid life changes and how they extract their toll on us retired mortals. Since leaving the workforce and moving six hundred miles to another home within the space of two weeks, I’ve become…

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2 years ago

Feeling the Burnout of Work in Retirement? Re-Evaluate the Importance of Taking a Break!

As a retirement coach, I spend my time discussing the possibility of working for oneself in retirement. It offers the opportunity to work flexible hours and to do something that ignites your passion…

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