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9 years ago

When it Comes to Makeup for Older Women, Blue is the New Black (Video)

One of the biggest makeup mistakes you can make as an older woman is applying the same techniques that you used as a teenager. In this makeup tips video, we discuss why blue is a great choice for your next mascara. When it comes to makeup for older women, blue really is the new black! Read More

9 years ago

Beauty After 50: Get Real Result from Faux Tanning (Video)

When it comes to beauty after 50, one of the worst things that you can do to your skin is to spend too much time in the sun. As the days get longer and the sun returns, it may be tempting to get a “healthy” looking tan. Read More

9 years ago

3 Things I Learned About Beauty After 50 from the Fabulous Cindy Joseph

Ok, I have a confession to make. Like many people, I have always been somewhat intimidated by beautiful women like Cindy Joseph. Over the years, I’ve seen her in trendy fashion magazines, with her fabulous long grey hair and glowing skin. So, when I sat down to interview Cindy about beauty after 50, I didn’t know what to expect. Read More

9 years ago

How to Compare Senior Travel Insurance Programs

You may have read that travel insurance isn’t worth the cost. This might be true for younger travelers, but for people our age, senior travel insurance can provide peace of mind and assistance when we need it most. Let’s take a closer look at senior travel insurance coverage and the best ways to compare policies. Read More

10 years ago

7 Reasons Boomers Should Love Their Local Health Food Store

Local health food stores have always been magical places for me. This may seem funny, because when I discovered them almost 40 years ago, they were often in dingy basements, staffed by earnest macro-biotic types, and stocked with unappealing tofu, brown rice and medicinal herbs. Read More

10 years ago

Surprising Wardrobe Essentials that Re-define Fashion for Older Women (Video)

When it comes to fashion for older women, what are the fashion essentials that everyone should have in their wardrobe? Judith Boyd (a.k.a “The Style Crone”) has the answer! Read More

10 years ago

Style and Fashion for Older Women: Break the Rules and Express Yourself! (Video)

One of the best things about getting older is that you no longer need to worry about what people think. This is especially true when it comes to style and fashion for women over 60. Sure, there are certain principles that can help you to look your best – but, for the most part, now is the time to express your personality! Read More

10 years ago

Happy New Year! This Year, Let’s Embrace our Natural Beauty After 60 (Video)

For many women, including myself, New Year’s always seems to be a time of “giving things up.” Maybe you’re promising yourself to watch a little less cheesecake this year – or watch a little less TV. These are both noble goals, but, this year I want to propose that we all say “yes” to something. Read More

10 years ago

What are the Best Senior Dating Sites? A No-Nonsense Comparison (Video)

Like so many things in life, dating is a numbers game. But, as we get a little older it sometimes feels like the odds are tipped against us! There is good news though. In the last few years, companies have started to realize that there is a huge opportunity to help people over 50 to find partners and have opened senior dating sites just for us. Read More

10 years ago

4 Fun Winter Holiday Makeup Tips for Older Women (Video)

Celebrity makeup artist, Ariane Poole, is back with some fresh and fun winter holiday tips for older women. If you are ready to enhance your look with beautiful bronzer and luscious lip gloss, you’ll love my latest interview. Read More