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9 years ago

What to Do in Retirement: Sharing Your Passions and Gifts with the World (Video) 

If you are wondering what to do in retirement to maximize your health, wealth and happiness, this interview is for you! Do you want to share your passions and gifts with the world? Are you wondering what to do in retirement to maximize your happiness and sense of personal meaning? Are you looking for part-time, volunteer or seasonal work? If so, this interview with Mary Eileen Williams will give you the resources you need to jump-start your journey. Read More

9 years ago

Finding Courage Over 60 – What Would You Do if You Couldn’t Fail? (Video)

When we were little girls, we dreamed about “being someone.” We wanted to visit amazing places and do amazing things. Then, for most of us, life took over. Now, in our 60s, many of us feel like Lily Tomlin, who once said, “I always wanted to be someone, but now I realize I needed to be more specific.” Read More

9 years ago

Mature Dating Tips for Women: Common Values vs. Common Interests (Video)

Is mature dating worth the trouble? Over the last few years, I have been asked this question by so many women in our community. When we’re young, dating seems to be mostly about physical attraction and emotional attachment. But, by the time we reach our 60s, we tend to have a different perspective on romance.

For starters, many of us have been hurt before. Even those of us who have survived our previous relationships relatively unscathed, have a great deal of romantic experience to draw on. Read More

9 years ago

Does Love After 60 Matter? Is “Life Without a Man” a Viable Lifestyle for Women Over 60? (Video)

After 6 decades on this planet, you could be forgiven for believing that love after 60 doesn’t matter. After all, many of us have plenty of practice living alone. Quite a few of us even enjoy living by ourselves. In this interview, I ask dating coach, Lisa Copeland whether “life without a man” is a viable option for women in their 50s and 60s. Then, we discuss whether love even matters. I think that you will find Lisa’s answer’s surprising. Enjoy the show!

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9 years ago

Having Trouble Sleeping After Menopause? We Have Some Ideas

Getting a good night’s sleep is important. We live in a chaotic world, so, getting restful sleep can be challenging at any age. This is especially true after menopause.

Not only do we have the same distractions and stresses that everyone else has, but, we also have wonderfully active hormones swirling through our bodies. This makes the process of falling asleep even harder. Read More

9 years ago

Life After 60 is All About Creating Yourself, Not Finding Yourself (Video)

Most women in their 60s feel like they have made good decisions and enjoyed successful careers so far. Now, with retirement on the horizon, many of us are looking to convert the professional contacts, skills and experience that we acquired during our careers into profitable opportunities. Read More

9 years ago

Senior Dating: Trick or Treat?

When it comes to love after 60, many women feel like they are left with an uncomfortable choice – intimacy vs. independence. On the one hand, by the time we reach our 50s and 60s, many of us are comfortable living on or own. Perhaps we went through a divorce. Or, maybe, we simply choose never to marry. Either way, the idea of giving up part of our independence, even for love, can be terrifying. Read More

9 years ago

Getting Your Hormones Back in Balance After Menopause (Video)

Our hormones do strange and wonderful things as we move through menopause. Estrogen, serotonin and progesterone, once mysterious, become all too familiar to us. By the time we reach our 60s, we expect our bodies to “return to normal.” Read More

9 years ago

6 Questions to Help You Find Meaning in Life after Retirement (Video)

Making the transition to life after retirement is challenging. Beyond the obvious practical considerations of where to live, how to stay healthy and how to pay for everything, we also worry about how to find meaning in our lives.

The 6 secret questions included in this article will help you to reconnect with yourself and build the life that you deserve. Read More

9 years ago

Personal Development Shouldn’t Stop After 60! Stay Connected with These Tools (Video)

Do you feel like society tells you that you are “too old” to do certain things? Do you want to break out of your self-imposed chains and become the person that you always knew you could be? Then, my interview with personal development expert, John Tarnoff is for you! Read More