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9 years ago

Ariane Poole Has Arrived on the QVC UK Shopping Channel (Video)

Do you love to shop on the QVC UK shopping channel? Then I have exciting news for you! My good friend, and frequent guest on the Sixty and Me Show, Ariane Poole, has arrived on QVC UK! Read More

9 years ago

Loneliness Is Not a “Normal” Part of the Aging Process (Video)

Loneliness is not a normal part of the aging process, any more than sleeping poorly or losing your memory are. This was the simple message that Kory Floyd gave me when we talked today.

Do You Love Living Alone?

I do! When you live by yourself, you can get up whenever you want. You can wear your pajamas all day. You can cook whatever you want and eat your creations with whomever you choose. Read More

9 years ago

4 Powerful Reasons to Try Adult Coloring Books (Video)

If you search for adult coloring books, you will find thousands of websites offering products in all shapes and sizes. But, why are coloring books for grown-ups so popular? Isn’t the very idea of coloring a bit, well… childish? Absolutely not! Read More

9 years ago

Dealing with Loneliness is Easiest if You Avoid These Bad Behaviors (Video)

Many women in the Sixty and Me community are dealing with loneliness. Some older women feel like they have had isolation thrust upon them by a divorce, career change, bereavement or relocation. Others have made conscious choices that have led to a solitary life. Either way, there is no denying that loneliness is a serious issue. Read More

9 years ago

7 Power Foods and Super Supplements for Healthy Aging (Video)

Healthy aging is a big priority for women over 60. It’s a good thing too. After all, we are on track to live longer than any generation before us. We want to make sure that those extra years are filled with vitality and happiness. Read More

9 years ago

Why Do We Need Love and Affection After 60? (Video)

As a mom, it’s hard to miss how amazing kids are at making friends. They love to play and mix with other children. They have an insatiable desire for bonding, connecting and sharing! As we get older, the dynamic shifts. Read More

9 years ago

Exploring the Health Benefits of Organic Food for Women over 60 (Video)

By the time we reach our 60s, most women tend to fall into two camps when it comes to their health. One group acts as if “the damage has been done” and refuses to make significant lifestyle changes like working out or eating healthy organic food. Other women “refuse to sink” and spend a great deal of time and energy getting their bodies and minds in the best possible shape. Read More

9 years ago

Is Loneliness Becoming More Common? How Will This Impact Our Aging Population? (Video)

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the number of ways that we have to communicate with each other? When we were growing up, letters and (occasionally) telephone calls were the ways that we communicated. Now, our computers are buzzing, blinking orchestras of Facebook messages, Twitter notifications, Skype calls, email messages and more! Read More

9 years ago

What Makes a Healthy Diet for Women Over 60? You May be Surprised (Video)

When I was a young woman, I could eat an entire pizza and never gain an ounce. Now that I am in my 60s, it feels like I could gain 10 pounds just from saying “pizza” out loud. On second thoughts, hopefully writing it down in this article won’t have the same effect! Read More

9 years ago

How Can Feeling Lonely All the Time Impact Healthy Aging? (Video)

We all feel a little lonely at times. As a single woman, I often wish that I had someone to talk with and laugh with. Maybe it would be nice just to have someone to share my newly found cooking skills with.

Of course, I don’t dwell on these feelings. But, it’s clear to me that, whether we are married or single, feeling lonely from time to time is inevitable as we get a little older. Read More