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8 years ago

5 Ways that Palliative Care Improves the Quality of Life for Terminally Ill Patients (Video)

Most of us don’t think about palliative care until someone that we love needs it. In some ways, this is natural. No-one likes to think about their own mortality and it is even harder to imagine someone close to us suffering. That said, there are many reasons to talk about death, even if we are not yet directly impacted by it. Read More

8 years ago

Starting a “Death Cafe” is an Opportunity to Discuss Your Fear of Death (Video)

At some point in our lives, each and every one of us has a fear of death. This is completely natural. Perhaps you first thought about your mortality when you lost someone close to you as a child. Or, perhaps you started thinking about death as a teenager. Read More

8 years ago

6 Ways Grandmas Can Build Strong Relationships with their Modern Grandkids (Video)

Complaining about how things “were better in the good old days,” seems like a rite of passage for many grandparents. After all, through the lives of our grandchildren, we see firsthand just how much the world is changing around us. Read More

9 years ago

Why Grandmas Need to Support Each Other – Introducing the GaGa Sisterhood (Video)

In my experience, grandmas naturally love to help other people. Even if we consider ourselves to be “modern grandmas,” with our own passions, we still find time to take care of our families and share our wisdom with the world. Many of us, for one reason or another, have even found ourselves raising our grandchildren full-time. Read More

9 years ago

How to Stay True to Yourself and Not Be Invisible After 60 (Video)

Many women in the Sixty and Me community say that they feel invisible. Sometimes, this feeling comes from no longer having your kids around to take care of. Other times, feeling invisible is more closely related to the way in which society treats older women. Read More

9 years ago

Not Allowed to See Your Grandkids? What About Grandparents’ Rights?

It’s every grandparent’s worst nightmare. After years of caring for your loved ones, you find yourself separated from your grandchildren by a family conflict. At this difficult time, your mind is probably filled with worries. Read More

9 years ago

A “White Shirt” is the Key to Fashion for Women Over 60 (Video)

With regards to fashion for women over 60, few people are as influential as Lyn Slater, the Accidental Icon. Beyond being a fabulous dresser, Lyn is also an entertaining writer. Read More

9 years ago

Fashion After 60 is All About Finding and Expressing Yourself (Video)

What do navy blue, black and dark grey have in common? They are all colors that society thinks is “acceptable” when it comes to fashion for women over 60. What complete nonsense! Read More

9 years ago

What is a Grandmother Really? How Modern Grandmas Are Breaking the Mold (Video)

Few roles are as important – or misunderstood – as the role of grandmother. It’s almost as if, once your first grandchild arrives, you are supposed to turn into a baby-sitting, apple-pie-making, scarf-knitting machine. At least, that’s how it feels for many women. Read More

9 years ago

Experimentation is Essential when it Comes to Fashion for Women Over 60 (Video)

In many ways, fashion for women over 60 is no different than at any other age. On the one hand, you want to express your personal style. On the other hand, you know that you need to select cuts and styles that go with your body type, while giving you confidence. Read More