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8 years ago

Why Talking about Death and Dying is Healthy at Any Age (Video)

Death and dying are not popular dinner topics. In fact, there are few circumstances in which society considers it to be appropriate to talk about our mortality. Read More

8 years ago

Five Great Train Journeys for Women Like Us (Video)

Setting aside the usual aging stereotypes, it’s clear that women over 60 love to travel. We love to explore the world and find new adventures. We love embracing new cultures and meeting new people.

But, this raises an interesting question. What is our favorite way to travel? Do the majority of us like to fly to exotic destinations? Or, would most of us prefer to travel by train? Read More

8 years ago

What is the Difference Between Hospice and Palliative Care? (Video)

Over 30 years ago, I had the honor to work with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. At the time, concepts like palliative care and hospice care weren’t well known. In fact, through her book, “On Death and Dying,” it was Elisabeth who started to bring the conversation about death and dying into the open. Read More

8 years ago

Solutions for Thinning Hair in Women Over 60 (Video)

When it comes to hair care for older women, the members of our community face specific challenges. One of the most common of these is thinning hair. Read More

8 years ago

Tips for Finding the Best Senior Travel Discounts on Train Tickets (Video)

Is it still possible to find amazing senior travel discounts? This was the question that I posed to train expert, Mark Smith during our last interview. After all, if anyone would know how to find the best travel deals, it’s Mark. Read More

8 years ago

Dying Matters – Changing the Way Society Views Death and Dying (Video)

On the surface, saying that dying matters, seems so obvious that it’s not worth mentioning. After all, what could be more important than our mortality? We are here on this amazing planet for such a short period of time. Death is the ultimate destination that, in many ways, gives our lives meaning. Read More

8 years ago

What to Say to Someone Who is Dying – a New Perspective from the Founder of Death Café (Video)

We all know that it is incredibly difficult to know what to say to someone who is dying. At the same time, as women over 60, we also know that there is no way to avoid these conversations. After all, when a friend, partner or family member is faced with a terminal diagnosis, they need our support. We just have to hope that our words do more good than harm. Read More

8 years ago

How Hospice Care Can Provide a More Positive End of Life Experience (Video)

It is a somber moment when someone mentions that a friend or family member has gone into hospice care. After all, hospices have a bit of a dark and dreary reputation. Read More

8 years ago

Planning Your Own Funeral? Here Are 3 Important Things to Consider (Video)

On the surface, the concept of planning your own funeral sounds pretty depressing. After all, who wants to admit that they are mortal? Even those of us who accept the fact that we will one day no longer be on this beautiful planet, don’t like to think about it too often. Read More

8 years ago

The Man in Seat 61 on Train Travel in Europe as an Older Adult (Video)

One thing that I know about the women in our community is that we love to travel. Of course, we may not always get to jet off to exotic destinations, but, we take every opportunity that we can to see the world. This could include taking a cruise, traveling by train or just driving to see the grandkids in the next city. Read More