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How to Deal with Loneliness

If you want to know how to deal with loneliness and depression, we're here to help. After talking with 1000s of women in the community, we have developed a series of articles designed to help you find friends who share your interests. We hope you find them useful!

9 years ago

How Can Feeling Lonely All the Time Impact Healthy Aging? (Video)

We all feel a little lonely at times. As a single woman, I often wish that I had someone to talk with and laugh with. Maybe it would be nice just to have someone to share my newly found cooking skills with.

Of course, I don’t dwell on these feelings. But, it’s clear to me that, whether we are married or single, feeling lonely from time to time is inevitable as we get a little older. Read More

9 years ago

You’re Not Alone! Here’s How to Deal with Loneliness After 50

There’s a big difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Being alone is something we have all experienced in our lives, sometimes by choice, sometimes as the result of circumstances beyond our control. “Being lonely” involves how we interpret our situation. Read More

9 years ago

Feeling Lonely After 60? Here’s How to Spot the Danger Signs

Almost everyone feels lonely from time to time. In today’s “always on” society, it’s easy to feel alone, even when we are “connected” to hundreds of people online. This problem is especially serious for women over 60, who may be dealing with the loss of a job or other changing social circumstances.

Feeling lonely occasionally is normal, but, if your loneliness is starting to have an impact on your life, it may be time to take more aggressive steps. But, how can you tell the difference? Read More

9 years ago

5 Life-Destroying Lies We Tell Ourselves After 60

Women over 60 have lived complicated lives. By the time we reach our 60th birthday, we have our share of battle scars. Some of us have lost someone close to us. All of us have, in one way or another, battled discrimination and stereotypes. Throughout our lives, we have faced questions of body-image. Now, as we enter our 60s, we have a choice to make. Will we allow our negative self-talk to prevent us from living our dreams? Or, will we take control and replace our doubts with positive emotions and a desire to get the most from life after 60?

Here are 5 of the most common negative statements that women make to themselves, consciously or unconsciously and, more importantly, what we can do about them. Read More

9 years ago

Is City Living Making us Lonely After 50?

The Baby Boomer generation is aging differently than previous generations, and one example of the changing trends affecting our lifestyles is the increasing move toward urbanization. According to the U.S. Census, during the next 20 years, 10,000 people will turn 65 every single day. At the same time, the UN reports that 54 percent of the world’s people live in urban areas – and this proportion is expected to increase to 66 percent by 2050.

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9 years ago

The Difference Between Being Alone and Being Lonely After 60

If you have been following Sixty and Me for a while, you know that one of my big ambitions is to help solve the problem of loneliness among Baby Boomers. This is one of the reasons that I launched Boomerly, a new site to help Boomers make friends who share their interests. Read More

9 years ago

How to Live like The Golden Girls: New Book Makes it Easy

Have you ever thought about living with roommates? If so, you are in step with a growing cadre of baby boomers who are turning to shared living as a fun, affordable housing option as they age.

A Golden Girls Home is where mature adults share a home. Maybe it’s two women sharing an apartment; maybe it’s four men and women sharing a house. Read More

9 years ago

What Do You Do When You Feel Lonely?

As we get older, our roles and relationships change. Some of us have retired from full-time work only to find out that our familiar friends are scattered all over the world. Read More

9 years ago

Living Alone or in a Community? What’s Best After 60?

Over the last few years, more and more women have chosen to live in communities. In theory, this living situation is similar to the communes that many women were at least aware of in their 20s. In those days, women chose to live together for philosophical reasons. For example, many women found that this living session provided an outlet for their bohemian style and desire for experimentation. Read More

9 years ago

Boomerly Launches to End Loneliness After 50


Boomerly, a new discovery and messaging service that helps older adults to build meaningful friendships with people who share their interests, launched today.

Zug, Switzerland, June 5, 2015 – Sixty and Me, one of the largest online communities of baby boomer women, today announced the public availability of their new online service, Boomerly, at Read More