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How to Deal with Loneliness

If you want to know how to deal with loneliness and depression, we're here to help. After talking with 1000s of women in the community, we have developed a series of articles designed to help you find friends who share your interests. We hope you find them useful!

8 years ago

Can We Come Together to Disrupt Aging Alone?

To “disrupt aging alone” has been top of mind since I turned 60. This month, I turn 65, so it’s growing even more relevant. Happy birthday to me! Read More

8 years ago

Do You Have a “Big Fat Greek” Family? Living Alone Later in Life Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

My husband and I just watched, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.” Don’t listen to the less than flattering reviews – we were both rolling on the floor laughing. There is something about watching a big, loud, messy and interconnected family that triggers a primal wistfulness or a sweet nostalgia. Sadly, this type of tumultuous inter-generational living is nearly extinct these days – and we are paying a bigger price than we think…

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9 years ago

70 Loneliness Studies Share One Message: Loneliness Kills

One of the frustrating things about science is that the path to truth is often littered with contradictions. Drinking wine is good for you. Drinking wine is bad for you. Eggs will kill you. Eggs may save your life. Salt is good, salt is bad… Well, you get the idea. Read More

9 years ago

4 Ways Getting a Pet Can Help You Find Friends and Beat Loneliness

If you’re anything like me, your life has probably been filled with pets of all kinds. The first animal I bought for my kids was a small turtle. Over the years, my family owned gerbils, cats, dogs, birds and even a sugar-glider. Read More

9 years ago

Defeating Loneliness and Making Friends Requires You to Take Emotional Risks

By the time we reach our 60th birthday, most of us have experienced our fair share of heart-break and disappointment. Some of us have gone through a divorce. Others have simply learned the hard way that not everyone can be trusted with our feelings. Is it any wonder that we are cautious about letting new people into our lives? Read More

9 years ago

Spending Christmas Alone – with Millions of Other Women

It’s easy to feel sad and lonely if you are spending Christmas alone. I would guess that, in our 60 years of life, almost everyone has spent at least one holiday season by themselves. There are, of course, lots of reasons that this might be the case.

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9 years ago

Loneliness Is Not a “Normal” Part of the Aging Process (Video)

Loneliness is not a normal part of the aging process, any more than sleeping poorly or losing your memory are. This was the simple message that Kory Floyd gave me when we talked today.

Do You Love Living Alone?

I do! When you live by yourself, you can get up whenever you want. You can wear your pajamas all day. You can cook whatever you want and eat your creations with whomever you choose. Read More

9 years ago

Dealing with Loneliness is Easiest if You Avoid These Bad Behaviors (Video)

Many women in the Sixty and Me community are dealing with loneliness. Some older women feel like they have had isolation thrust upon them by a divorce, career change, bereavement or relocation. Others have made conscious choices that have led to a solitary life. Either way, there is no denying that loneliness is a serious issue. Read More

9 years ago

Why Do We Need Love and Affection After 60? (Video)

As a mom, it’s hard to miss how amazing kids are at making friends. They love to play and mix with other children. They have an insatiable desire for bonding, connecting and sharing! As we get older, the dynamic shifts. Read More

9 years ago

Is Loneliness Becoming More Common? How Will This Impact Our Aging Population? (Video)

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the number of ways that we have to communicate with each other? When we were growing up, letters and (occasionally) telephone calls were the ways that we communicated. Now, our computers are buzzing, blinking orchestras of Facebook messages, Twitter notifications, Skype calls, email messages and more! Read More