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How to Deal with Loneliness

If you want to know how to deal with loneliness and depression, we're here to help. After talking with 1000s of women in the community, we have developed a series of articles designed to help you find friends who share your interests. We hope you find them useful!

2 years ago

Don’t Be Afraid to Retire Solo – You Are Not Alone!

I recently gave myself permission to retire solo. I had been spending a lot of time thinking about what the future would look like for me as a single woman and a solo entrepreneur. I knew that the quality of my life, both now…

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2 years ago

6 Reasons Living Alone Makes You Feel Rich

No matter what our financial situation, we all have budgets. Living beautifully – or luxuriously can hinge on changing a perception or making an attitude adjustment. Living alone is like being rich…

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2 years ago

4 Dangers of Being a Single Introvert in Your 60s

Being an aging single introvert, I find that I am now more confident in recognizing and stating my need to be alone. At the same time, when I’m in a social setting, I’m also more confident than I used to be – maybe because I have had the time to recharge…

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2 years ago

Growing Older Alone? Why Time On Your Own Is Time Well Spent

There’s no question that having a support system and a sense of community is important as we get older. Face-to-face friendships matter. Study after study report that friendships are vital to longevity, and to our physical and mental health…

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2 years ago

5 Essential Skills for Overcoming Loneliness

So, you are starting over on a new path and you are killing it! You are happy, you are fulfilled and you are living the life you have always dreamed of living. But, no matter how much you keep telling yourself how great your new life is, you are lonely…

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3 years ago

4 Tips for Overcoming Loneliness as an Older Adult

The crushing feeling of loneliness can be a silent killer. The feeling can sneak up on you even when you’re surrounded by people. And it has detrimental effects on both your physical and mental health. In fact, research suggests that…

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3 years ago

Surviving the Holiday Season When Living Alone

Holidays can be rough during normal times. As the pandemic continues, feelings of isolation and loneliness can really get intensified during the holiday season as more and more lockdowns are happening again around the world. It’s so easy to get into a funk…

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3 years ago

Living on Solo Security: 4 Keys to Living Alone Without the Worries

Living by yourself? Join the crowd. The number of adults ages 45 to 64 who live alone has grown by more than 20 percent over the past decade alone. In 2020, the numbers worldwide reach 330 million people. Solo dwellers report…

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3 years ago

How to Celebrate When You Are Alone for the Holidays

I hope you noticed that I didn’t title this article, “How to Survive the Holidays, Alone.” No! This is about making sure to celebrate the holidays if you are alone. It all started like this. One year in September, I was strolling down the aisles of Costco and came…

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3 years ago

Feeling Despair, Fear or Worry After 60? You Are Not Alone!

Getting to 60 has taught us to be optimists. Look on the bright side. Whistle a happy tune. Be very grateful for the good in our lives. When we feel down, we distract ourselves. These are effective, solid strategies, true secrets for living a good life…

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