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Holidays like Christmas, Grandparents Day, Halloween and New Years offer opportunities to spend time with the people we care about most. In this section, we will discuss holiday ideas to bring you closer to your friends and family.

3 years ago

Surviving the Holiday Season When Living Alone

Holidays can be rough during normal times. As the pandemic continues, feelings of isolation and loneliness can really get intensified during the holiday season as more and more lockdowns are happening again around the world. It’s so easy to get into a funk…

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3 years ago

How to Give Your Grandchild the Gift of Confidence

Of all the traits that contribute to success in life, confidence rates at the top of the list. Unfortunately, children who have been born with physical or neurodevelopmental disabilities often receive messages from the world that chip…

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3 years ago

No Money for Gifts? Be Mindful Instead

The holidays always seem to come around when thy bank account is low. It never fails, extra bills make their way into my mailbox around November. I’m not claiming this from a negative position, I’m actually a fairly positive human being…

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3 years ago

The Joys – and Challenges – of My First Empty Nest Christmas

Christmas is in just a few weeks. My adult children, who finally, truly left the nest this year, were not happy when I told them about the Christmas I am planning for this year when they come home for the holidays. “No tree,” I said. Arose a chorus of complaints…

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3 years ago

Owning Your Gift, Every Day

Tis the season for gift giving. While most of us enjoy receiving gifts, there is nothing quite like giving a gift to others and watching them light up with delight. The type of gift I want to share with you today is NOT necessarily the kind you wrap and place…

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3 years ago

2 Reasons and 1 Ritual for Honoring the Solstice

2020 has given us many challenges and some blessings in disguise. I am certainly grateful for the lessons I’ve learned this year which forced me out of my comfort zone and made me stronger. That said, I’m hopeful that next year’s lessons…

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3 years ago

Secrets for Going from a Day to Evening Look Using Drugstore Makeup (VIDEO)

It’s amazing how just a few tweaks and several additional products can transform our makeup from a daytime look to a more glamorous Holiday look. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing today using only drugstore makeup. One of the many fun…

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3 years ago

Frequently Asked Holiday Dating Questions

Tis the season, so as an online dating coach and consultant, I’m sharing frequent questions I get this time of year from singles. You should know that there is no bad month of the year to begin dating – truly! December is a festive, cheerful month…

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3 years ago

Skin Care Stocking Stuffers: The One Item to Ask For (VIDEO)

The holidays are here, and I am overwhelmed. As usual. Having said that, I have found that the best strategy to deal with the epic onslaught of gifts to both give and request is to clarify and prioritize! Because I am neither organized nor disciplined…

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3 years ago

How to Celebrate When You Are Alone for the Holidays

I hope you noticed that I didn’t title this article, “How to Survive the Holidays, Alone.” No! This is about making sure to celebrate the holidays if you are alone. It all started like this. One year in September, I was strolling down the aisles of Costco and came…

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