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Holidays like Christmas, Grandparents Day, Halloween and New Years offer opportunities to spend time with the people we care about most. In this section, we will discuss holiday ideas to bring you closer to your friends and family.

2 years ago

The Joy of the Thanksgiving Stories

Ever since my childhood, Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday. It was a time for us all to come together to share stories and connect. I recall my mother spending several weeks preparing for the festivities…

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2 years ago

Are You Hosting Others This Holiday Season? Here Are 3 Ways to Create a Little Comfort and Joy for Yourself

After a couple of years spent quietly observing the holiday season, many of us are gearing up for joyful reunions and higher levels of interaction. We’re opening our homes, setting our tables, and welcoming our loved ones…

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2 years ago

Three Ways to Give Financial Thanks

As you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, what is on your “Things for which to be Thankful” list? Maybe it is food on the table, a roof over your head, or family and friends who love and support you. Maybe it is the ability to shop in stores…

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2 years ago

How to Avoid Having to Wear Santa’s Pants During the Holiday Season

Sweet potato casserole. Pumpkin pie. Hot chocolate with cinnamon. Yum. Just saying the words makes me want to have some. I can’t count everything I eat during holiday season, and it’s better left unsaid. I just hope I don’t put on 10 pounds…

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2 years ago

3 Tips to Feel Your Best This Holiday Season

The holidays can be a joyful time filled with tradition, family, and magic but they can also be stressful, filled with too much family (wink wink), extra activities adding more stress to your schedule, and lots and lots of sweet treats and richer foods that can quickly…

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2 years ago

Pause, Reflect and Give Thanks: The Power of Gratitude During the Holidays

The holiday season is always an appropriate time to take a few minutes, pause, and reflect on the gifts you’ve been given, the people you love and cherish and the opportunities you are afforded in life. It is my experience that giving gratitude…

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2 years ago

It’s Never Too Early to Prep for the New Year

It is official it is almost next year. On a most perfect New England fall day as my car’s heated seats warmed my soul, I slowed down at a sharp bend in the road. At that moment, bright orange leaves, framed in gold clouds took my breath away…

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2 years ago

Christmas Gifts for Women

Giving and receiving gifts at Christmas is a great source of pleasure. I know I like offering gifts as much as I enjoy getting them. It’s never been easier to do purchases online and have them delivered to your door or directly shipped…

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2 years ago

14 Top Family Christmas Gifts

Are you looking for gift ideas to offer a whole family? That can be quite challenging because each family member has different tastes and hobbies. Your children and grandchildren certainly all have different interests, right?

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2 years ago

Best Christmas Gifts a Wife Will Love

We know a lot of partners who struggle every year to get the perfect Christmas gift for their wives. Even after ALL those years, every year is the same. “What does my wife want for Christmas?” You can always get her favorite perfume…

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